pigsmoo2 Member


  • Try mixing 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar with 1 cup of apple juice and a sliced lemon. I make mine @ night and drink it 1st thing in the morning. Works like a charm. (I do use the motts 4 tots apple juice 2 cut back on sugar).
  • Thnk 4 the support. It does help. No food scales 4 me. I know that wouldn't be good.
  • Yes, my dr knows my intake and of course why i have seen several psychologists over the yrs. i am a work in progress. Glad 2 know about that study. Definitely getting in 2 c a nutritionist soon. I have no idea what 2 do with food.
  • Thnx for the support.
  • Thanks. I have been to the doctors a million times to r/o anemia, thyroid, and other medical dx b/c of the chronic fatigue. They always say i am stressed cause i have 3 kids. Just tryin 2 eat right and set a good example for my kids. Next stop is the nutritionist. Thnx 4 all the advice.
  • Weight 128. Even trouble with concentration....
  • I am 5'7'' and now way 132#. I was attempting to go from my original weight of 128 to 124 (per baby size). I have wrked out all my life and have done just about everything from spinning to hiit. I don't think it is muscle gain cause my clothes feel worse. My sx include chronic fatigue, joint pain, mood swings, immediate…
  • Amazing. Keep up the great work.