One more thing...if you don't consider a slow cooker as part of your definition of cooking, then I strongly suggest buying one. Most meats slow cook by themselves, unattended in 4-6 hours. Put your meat in, flavor it and walk away. Just look up some You Tube videos from body builders who use this method for its…
If you're not into cooking, baking, grilling then you'll pay extra for the convenience of pre-cooked meats. That said, here are a few suggestions. Boiled eggs are available in many deli sections of your local grocer. There are also rotisserie chickens in many grocers. Buy one or two and add different sauces for a variety…
Use coconut oil and bacon fat for cooking/frying. Saute low carb vegetables in coconut oil, fry eggs in coconut oil, add some to your coffee in the morning. Look up recipes for "crack slaw." It's basically ground beef and cabbage stir fry. Use full fat plain yogurt, use heavy whipping cream on coffee, snack on macadamia…
I would suggest Oikos Triple Zero Vanilla or Fage 0% Greek Yogurt. The Triple Zero Vanilla has added fiber so the nets carbs are lower. Have this with mixed berries and your net carbs should be reasonably low. Also you could try eggs with avocado, feta, spinach and a dash of hot sauce (if you like) on a low carb tortilla…