ElviGar Member


  • Hello all... Well i too am preparing myself for the gastric sleeve come September just keeping up with my appts for now and regular visits with dietician. Im anxious and nervous at the same time. The liquid diet before the surgery is something i will have to prepare myself for and hope i make it thru it and the changes ive…
  • I so know what you mean..ive gone from someone who use to always take selfies to not even want to take a pic of myself, i try to get out to places where there will be less ppl so i wont feel so uncomfortable. It always seems to be a struggle with what to wear nothing makes me feel comfortable. Ive gone from 270 last August…
  • Have struggled with my weight for yrs. Last August i was at 270 now at 237, my weight always goes up and down but i seem to now be making better choices and have stayed under 240 for a few months, have recently recovered from a sprained ankle that kept me less active but starting to do a lil cardio now, just what my…
  • The Rio Grande Valley....waaaaay south!!
  • Yes ! Its hard to completely stop or change everything in an instant, ive tried that and it gets boring and i fall off the diet wagon . Making changes as in portion sizes, sugar intake , sodium etc. little changes or switching for healthier options lil by lil seem to be something easier that i can stick to.
  • Im from the RGV in south texas and i so know what you mean, the usual mexican dishes are everywhere, ppl and family are friendly but somehow always seem to offer everything i cant have ....temptation is everywhere with all the different varieties and cultures that mix in the area. Stay strong!!!
  • Im happy for you, i hope every thing goes well
  • So need the motivation...its hard being a single mom of 4 to not give in to the easy and unhealthy junk. Was doing well until a sprained ankle set me back in March hoping to get back to my exercise routine soon...but omg dieting is hard with kiddos!!!!!!
  • Currently on my 6 month plan before my sleeve surgery in Sep. And anxious but