cbing272 Member


  • DAY 29... My 30 days for this challenge will end tomorrow....somewhere I miss counted. I've enjoyed this challenge. Thanks for all who read my posts! I'm just 4 pound to my goal weight (very close) I'll keep trying...Best wishes to all in this challenge!! Bye for now...
  • DAY 26...I have a doctor appointment today.... I have pre-tracked the next 3 days and am doing THE MILITARY DIET starting today. My classes will be Step and Muscle Works and I'll eat Turkey with green beans and a cup of vanilla ice cream with banana for dinner.
  • DAY...25 Turbokick & Muscle Work classes.... still having trouble tracking my food. My weight has stayed the same for the past 5 days.
  • DAY...24 Zumba, Step and Muscle Works were my classes today....I need to track my food! Mindfully eating... will track ... I will track!
  • DAY 23... It's my daughter's 31st birthday Friday May 13th and we are going to the mall. I went in on her a remote car starter for her car...she loves it!!! We went to Subway for lunch and FitFlavors for dinner. I finally mowed the lawn and reached my 10,000 steps in a day on my fitbit.
  • DAY 24... Turbo kick and Drills classes tonight. Chicken noodle soup and green beans for supper.
  • DAY 23 It rained so I didn't get the yard cut.
  • DAY 23... Cutting the lawn and going to turbo kick class tonight. My dinner is Tilapia with corn-on-the-cob.... and baked potato.
  • DAY 22....Planning to be back on track today! Yes my work out will be step and zumba classes...my dinner will be a veggie burger with green beans.... a banana smoothie for snack.
  • DAY 21...getting back on track after celebrating the holiday is hard.... I'll try again tomorrow.
  • DAY 20...Mother's day.... I enjoyed this day with my daughter and family.
  • DAY 19...This morning I went to step, muscle works & zumba classes.... I need to get back on track with my diet now...not sure what I'm eating for dinner maybe shrimp or tuna...
  • DAY 18... I will not be going to zumba because my daughter is taking me shopping for new clothes, for my new smaller body, for Mother's Day this evening.... I'll get back on track tomorrow...this is awesome!
  • DAY 18... It's a zumba Friday! Plus 20 minutes on the treadmill walking. Dinner is turkey hotdog soup with broccoli & carrots. My bedtime snack... as usual (banana & vanilla ice cream).
  • DAY17...I've lost 33 pounds with just 4 pounds to my goal weight! :) My classes will be Turbokick and Drills that make you sweat with walking 45 minutes on treadmill. Dinner is green beans& tilapia with banana and ice cream as a snack.
  • Way to go Kaylah!!! You're almost there!!!! I'm so happy for you...you got this!!!
  • DAY16... TurboKick & Muscle Work classes with 60 minutes walking on the treadmill today. My dinner will be tuna with boiled egg...my snack will be finishing off the vanilla ice cream in my freezer. (5.9 pounds to my goal weight). I'm on track and feeling great!!
  • DAY 15... Just 7 pounds to my goal weight! Today my classes are zumba and step with 45 minutes walking on the treadmill. Dinner is 2 turkey hot dogs, broccoli & carrots with banana & vanilla ice cream as a snack.
  • DAY 14... At work right now and back on track. I'll do step & muscle works classes with at least 45 minutes walking on the treadmill. Tilapia and green beans for supper with ice cream as a snack.
  • DAY 13... mowed the yard and did the laundry then took a nap. I also ate within my calories goal.
  • Day 12... zumba, step & muscle works classes with 45 min. walking on the treadmill. I have 9 pounds to goal but having trouble staying on track.... grocery shopping and making my refrig & cabinets safe zones today.
  • Great work, Kaylah!
  • DAY 11... Today is the Zumbathon for breast cancer which is an hour and a half of zumba. There will be food and drinks so I'll call it my "cheat day" and enjoy.
  • Thanks Kaylah... I'm looking forward to reading more of you posts. Have a great day!!
  • DAY 10... Turbokick & Drills that make you sweat classes today plus 45 minutes on the treadmill walking. My dinner will be tilapia with spinach & corn-on-cob... snack: whole grain wheat waffle and apple
  • DAY 9...Today I'm doing TurboKick, Muscle Works classes and walking on the treadmill for 60 minutes. My dinner will be tuna, corn-on-the-cob and progresso lite chicken noodle soup with a banana as a snack.
  • DAY 8... My BMR – Basal Metabolic Rate (The number of calories your body burns at rest, with zero activity) is 1371 so I'm trying to stay under that number of calories per day through out this challenge. Today, I will go to a zumba & step aerobic class for my evening then hopefully eat within reason tonight for dinner. (My…
  • DAY 7 .... Planning on going to Step, Muscle Works classes and then walk about 300 calories off on the treadmill.... (typical Monday evening) Back on Track!
  • DAY 6... I went to TurboKick and Muscle Works classes then weed & feed the lawn. It's my cheat-day so I'm eating pizza.
  • Yes, I love zumba .... before I know it class is over and I have burned over 500 calories and got my workout in for the day (It helps that my daughter is an instructor, she always makes me noticed in her classes.)