RoMazola Member


  • Good morning! I'm about to turn 42! As a gift I've decided to get my body in shape and treat it well. 15 days ago started with 183 lbs Lost 8.6lbs since . Had my bday gather yesterday and only had Salmon and salad! Yayyy was easier than i trough cuz my closest friend is on diet too so I don't felt alone :))) MFP is the…
  • Yes, you're right! I'm just afraid to eat more and not losing anything but what you said make sense! Thanks :)
  • Yes, you're right! I'm just afraid to eat more and not losing anything but what you said make sense! Thanks :)
  • 5"4 started 2 weeks ago at 183. Currently 174.4. Goal 140.
  • First thing in the morning wearing only underwear. I got frustrated cuz 2 days in a roll instead of losing 0.7lb as usual, i dropped only 0.2 for 2 consecutive days, so,I analyzed my last meals and made some changes yesterday, the result? - 1.1lb this morning! You are right about the obsession "state" and I'm kinda obsess…
  • I weigh myself everyday! Why? That's The best way to know My body, see how it reacts with certain food and also to know my ideal calories per day! If I'm doing something wrong, next day I'll see in the scale, so I can fix it right away! Works for me cuz I already dropped 7.5 lb in 13 days :)
  • Congratz, you look great!!! How many pounds average lost per week?