kvbart Member


  • Thank you all for your advice, I apologize for some confusion to some. I'm not starting with MFP with being overweight or to lose weight overnight. I might be confusing some of you with muscle gain and losing weight. As far as muscle gain, I think I look too toned (skinny) and would like to gain muscle to round out a…
  • Thank you for pointing that out. I am still learning on how to use MPF, where can I find this information (calories/without exercise) on this site? It is a big difference.
  • Sorry for the confusion, this is why I am asking for advice. Still learning the ropes here.
  • Thank you again for your advice. I will look into the bodybuilding forums. I do know about the reverse dieting, flexible dieting, carb loading days etc. it's difficult to be strict with my new way of eating (not trying to diet as I don't believe in it) because I am already busy with two kids of my own. Once I get all the…
  • I am not an expert with the food scale. I need to learn how to use it and with practice it should get easier. It's already difficult to log in everything I eat while having to take care of my two kids (10 months and 3 yr old). The food scale
  • I shared my dairy and thank you for the honest feedback GaleHawkins. I am new to all this and have never really focused on my food intake as I have had issues in my past with not eating enough calories. Since I started I have been feeling good, but my body isn't used to taking in so much food. One day at a time I guess and…
  • Yup. Using the barcode scan, measuring cups and scale.
  • Yes I am measuring everything and since I started I have been under 200- 500 below my BMR. I'm eating all the peanut butter (I'm a pb addict
  • I top mine with crunchy almond butter or mixed in with a can of tuna and a squirt of dijon mustard.