230to142 Member


  • Here it is: http://www.fastcoexist.com/3056448/want-to-lose-weight-eat-like-these-people-more-fiber-more-fat/1
  • I believe Under Armour actually mentioned cauliflower as one of the top foods that helps MFP subscribers lose weight and keep it off. I'll have to look for that article but it came out in the first quarter of this year, 2016.
  • Chili! Red and white. Its an entire balanced meal, it freezes easily, and i can make enough for a week in one pot. So easy
  • Happens to me too. I have to drink it slowly throughout the day. Tap water is full of chemicals and so is bottled water. If you can, have your water tested for heavy metals. Ours was just high enough in iron to turn my stomach, but not turn everything orange. I got a $40 filter from Lowes and I sip water slowly during the…
  • Here in the US, the best canned veg are found at health food stores. We have organic, low sodium, packed in cans with no BPA lining. However, they are around 3-5 times the price of the regular cans. I will just ignore the warnings, or log the veg as low sodium from now on. Thanks for your input!