twdempsey Member


  • twdempsey checking in on Monday for Sunday PW - 191.9 CW - 190.4 (on Sunday) Congratulations ladies for taking our team to 2nd place in January! Wow - excited to be part of this group of winners (and losers)! I am past the point where I usually quit whatever weight loss plan I am doing. I usually make it 2 or 3 weeks. I'm…
  • Sunday weigh in PW 194 CW 191.9 Hi all! I am excited that I am entering February still tracking and still checking in here. Thank you all for your role in keeping everyone accountable!!
  • PW 193.6 CW 194 Not sure how this happened. I was around 191 all week and shot up 3 lbs on Saturday. Scale issues or water retention I am guessing. Hoping it drops down just as quickly. I have been within my calories almost every day. Only 1 day over in three weeks. Urghhh
  • Exercise yes Tracked yes Calories yes Thx for the article. My New Years resolution is to use MyFitnessPal to support my weight loss. I am tracking every day and using these fabulous groups to help motivate me and hold me accountable Thank you all!!
  • When and where do I have to log my weekly weight by? Is weigh in Saturday or Sunday? I am sorry if I am late on this. Starting weight 198 Current weight 194.6
  • Exercise yes 30 min walk Calories yes well under today Tracking yes I am locking down because cases are so high and my husband has major health issues. The good thing about this is I have more time so I am making much healthier meals and choices. Also I decided no wine in January. Drinking wine allows me to binge. I have…
  • Exercise - yes 30 min walk Calories - well under Track - yes 0/3 pass days used
  • Exercise - yes warm up yoga then 40 min treadmill Calories - under yay Tracked yes!!
  • Exercise - yes tennis match Calories - under goal Tracked - yes Loved the opener and everyone’s comments! Here are my answers Do you track everything? Every day? Or do you skip higher calorie times? When I am tracking I track everything except my gummy vitamins (guilty pleasure - haha). Once I derail i track nothing.…
  • SUNDAY, Jan 2nd 1. One habit I’m going to build. Exercise each day 2. One bad habit I’m going to break. Binging at night 3. One person I’m going to forgive. Myself 4. One person I’m going to befriend or reconnect with. All my friends once I can see them again. 5. One toxic tie I need to break (anything holding you back)!…
  • I had a crazy exhausting work day. Because I joined this group, I made myself get on the treadmill. Exercise yes 25 min I did log everything and stayed under my calories. Proud I did it. Thank you!
  • @ashleycarole86 thank you for explaining. I will start with 8000 steps for this month. Thank you!!
  • Hi all. I did my starting weigh in today. 198. Do I just write it here to report it? Do I sign up for the step challenge somewhere? Do I report here? Thanks for any advice. 🤪
  • Hi all! I am Wendy. I live in Connecticut and would like to lose 48 lbs in 2022. I am at my heaviest and am starting to feel lousy because of the weight. I am 55 and know this is going to be hard but it is doable. I am excited to have accountability. Looking forward to the January winners circle. I am excited to do it with…
  • Hi everyone! My name is Wendy and I live in Connecticut. I am married with two daughters. My youngest is 16 and still at home and my oldest is away at college. I am excited to try to do this with a group. I am making major life changes in 2022. My main goal is to lose weight and improve my health. I am at my heaviest and…
  • Hi all! I am Wendy and I am new to F2F. I am excited to join and ready to lose some weight! I am semi retired and want to focus on my health. I need some food accountability and motivation. I am looking forward to helping others along the way. Meal plan for week 1 ready to go!
  • Hi. I am 55 and need to lose 60 lbs. I would love to be held accountable and help others as well. Planning to lose at least 44 in 22!
  • MFP user name twdempsey Chosen weigh in day Sunday Current weight 197 Highest weight 199 No preference on team. I am looking forward to this challenge!