


  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    Hello all I am new to the group and excited about the challenge looking forward to getting to know all of you and a successful journey ~ Twinz

    @Caramel_Apple it's good to have you! We're looking forward to getting to know you as well. Happy New Year to YOU! :)
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    ideas2 wrote: »
    ...I really enjoy the group but am a little uncertain how I should handle the ¨excercise actively for 20 minutes every day¨part this month. Up till now that has been the easiest part of the challenge for me becuase I normally swim, walk or do weights quite a bit longer than that. I am using intermittent fasting, mostly 16/8, but some 24 hour fast days and just listened to an expert who advised against anything more than resting on the 24 hour fast days. So I have been thinking about whether the best thing to do would be use a pass day on those days if I decide to take his advice or if there is some type of exercise like gentle yoga or stretching that would be good to do and that I would feel was ¨active¨ enough...
    Technically it is up to the individual to decide. There are no strict guidelines on what activity counts, just to do 20+ minutes of activity intended to keep yourself active and healthy, or "intentional activity" to keep it short. While someone might choose to call a pass day when all they did was "activity X" to another person that may not be something to scoff at and is actually their chosen/preferred activity. Likewise some people are highly active most days and take a "rest day" once per week, perhaps just doing some stretches or light yoga those days. All UAC wants to know is, "did you meet your own goals for 20+ minutes of activity on this particular day".

    Very well said Chris @WhatMeRunning and thanks for responding. And I definitely agree with you.

    @ideas2 as far as fasting, I've done some intermittant fasting, as well as extended fasts. I've never had a problem walking, or doing yoga, pilates, or other mild exercises while fasting, but remember that everybody is different.
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    ideas2 wrote: »
    ...I really enjoy the group but am a little uncertain how I should handle the ¨excercise actively for 20 minutes every day¨part this month. Up till now that has been the easiest part of the challenge for me becuase I normally swim, walk or do weights quite a bit longer than that. I am using intermittent fasting, mostly 16/8, but some 24 hour fast days and just listened to an expert who advised against anything more than resting on the 24 hour fast days. So I have been thinking about whether the best thing to do would be use a pass day on those days if I decide to take his advice or if there is some type of exercise like gentle yoga or stretching that would be good to do and that I would feel was ¨active¨ enough...
    Technically it is up to the individual to decide. There are no strict guidelines on what activity counts, just to do 20+ minutes of activity intended to keep yourself active and healthy, or "intentional activity" to keep it short. While someone might choose to call a pass day when all they did was "activity X" to another person that may not be something to scoff at and is actually their chosen/preferred activity. Likewise some people are highly active most days and take a "rest day" once per week, perhaps just doing some stretches or light yoga those days. All UAC wants to know is, "did you meet your own goals for 20+ minutes of activity on this particular day".

    And depending on your core fitness level (not an issue for ideas2, but maybe for some other newbies) ... the 20 minutes don't have to be all-in-one-go.

    So if being intentionally active is very new to you and you have little stamina .... divy it up during the day to 4 X 5 minute sections.

    Or walk-in-place only during tv commercials. Over time, as your stamina improves, gradually switch to 3 x 7 minutes; 2 x 10 ; 15 + 5 etc. until you find yourself able to do MORE than 20 minutes in one go.

    (when I had a very bad cold one time, I did several sessions of "zombie shuffle" through the day to make the 20 minute total).

    Thanks, as always @BMcC9 for your helpfulness and insight!! You are so right! When I was recovering from bronchitis and a sinus infection the first two weeks of December, I sometimes broke my exercising up into two 10-minute or three 7-minute segments.... walking (more like shuffling) in place, or some gentle yoga when I felt stiff from sitting or lying around all day. There were a couple of nice days (50s outside) so I took a very short walk down the street and back. I've been known to set a timer on my phone and walk out 10 minutes and then turn around and head back home. I think that fresh air and sunshine helps a lot when you're not feeling well. And "activity" is activity in my book; and doing "something" beats those people just sitting on the couch all day, every day - at least in my book!
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    My name is Marilyn and I have just joined this group. Look forward to giving this challenge a try.
    I am 73 will be 74 in February, have mobility issues, have over 100 pounds to lose and am following a very healthy eating program. Look forward to meeting all of you as we work this challenge together

    Hello and welcome Marilyn!! @Marilynsretired We look forward to getting to know you as well! :)
  • Caramel_Apple
    Caramel_Apple Posts: 2,184 Member
    Mrs_Hoffer wrote: »
    Hello all I am new to the group and excited about the challenge looking forward to getting to know all of you and a successful journey ~ Twinz

    @Caramel_Apple it's good to have you! We're looking forward to getting to know you as well. Happy New Year to YOU! :)

    Thank you and Happy New year to you Mrs_Hoffer ~Twinz
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,164 Member
    Mrs_Hoffer wrote: »
    I've been in and out of this group for many years, even before our beloved Ranger Rick was leader. Took a break from MFP for a bit, porked on some pounds, now ready to get after it in 2022! Glad to be back. Good luck everyone!!

    @Bill70sStrong it's good to see you back again! You were around when I first joined up with the UAC. I'm glad you made your way back to us! :)

    Yep @mrs_hoffer I remember @Bill70sStrong too. Welcome back!! Xox
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,164 Member
    Ginharbe wrote: »
    Hi, thanks for inviting me to share. So my journey can be described like this: I have been with MFP for 6yrs, and up and down with my size I go by kilos so my goal for right now is 65kg, and I am on 68.800, It's sooo hard to loose those 3kg. So, I have been exercising for years lots of cardio, zumba, weights on and off, walking all summer and it was ok, and it shows(+-), but I have that round look. The problem I have is consistency, I can't stick to one thing, MFP is pushing me again and this time I have to do it. Another thing, I cook, I cook and keep on cooking, I love it , I eat anything, for real, my luch meal at work is notorious everyone wants me to cook something, always, I am also a professional snacker and that's the culprit of my failure. All that, yep that's me. :(

    @Ginharbe I can so relate to your story.. I lost 24kgs in total but the last 3kgs were the hardest to loose! I also loveeeee food and loveee to cook and eat and am always in the kitchen so this can def be a struggle as there is so much temptation. I am also a pro snacker lol and also graze alot! The great and positive thing is though is that we are self aware and that is the key to success! I hve found this group really helpful with assisting me with the above and hve more good days than bad lately. I hve no doubt over time it will do the same for u too. Good luck with it! Xo
  • Ginharbe
    Ginharbe Posts: 76 Member
    @donna25trinity thank you for the understanding , also 3kg is about 6lb ,so yes it becomes a larger number to beat
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    @Winner_in_Life ... words fail, we are all here for you 🫂
  • LazyBlondeChef
    LazyBlondeChef Posts: 2,809 Member
    This is the problem with everything regarding healthy eating, exercise and nutrition ... there's so much conflicting information out there even amongst so called experts. And it's not easy to study unless we lock people up and 100% control what they eat and what exercise they do. A lot of the studies are observational and count on self-reporting which is fraught with inaccuracies. Not on purpose but because we humans make errors in logging our activity and food intake.

    As far as 20 mins of exercise for 24 hour fasting days ... it seems to me that light stretching, yoga or leisurely walks would be fine as they're not expending a whole lot of energy.

    I go on the treadmill on an empty stomach because I don't like food in the morning (not hungry) and in the past I read you'd burn more fat that way but since then I've read conflicting information. I have to eat before doing weights because I am not able to lift as much on an empty stomach. That makes me surprised that doing exercise at the end of the fast would be preferable to doing it earlier as I would think one would feel weaker by then. But maybe it's me. After about 15 hours without eating I usually start feeling dizzy or lightheaded and sometimes end up with a headache. It could just be dehydration by then.
  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,382 Member
    Hello old friends and new ones. My comeback in December failed. Maybe some of you remember that we move beginning October last year. Shortly after our move, exactly 13 days after, I lost my husband. I am still struggling with finding the way to continue my life. It will take some time I guess. All the best to All. I will try to do my best

    My heart goes out to you and I am so sorry for your loss. It is good to have you back with us and I look ahead to offering encouragement and support. Be kind and gentle with yourself ♥️
  • LazyBlondeChef
    LazyBlondeChef Posts: 2,809 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss @Winner_in_Life That's tough especially in a new city where you may not have much of a support system yet.
  • Arc2Arc
    Arc2Arc Posts: 484 Member
    Welcome to all the new members! This is my second month in this group. Its value goes far beyond the three simple things we’re supposed to do. I haven’t been able to exercise the way I have in the past but hoping I can do something that would qualify as 20 minutes.
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    @Winner_in_Life I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers go out to you.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    Arc2Arc wrote: »
    Welcome to all the new members! This is my second month in this group. Its value goes far beyond the three simple things we’re supposed to do. I haven’t been able to exercise the way I have in the past but hoping I can do something that would qualify as 20 minutes.

    LOTS of things qualify as "intentional activity" for 20 minutes (it doesn't HAVE to be heavy calorie-burning if you need to work on something like flexibility / prefer yoga anyway / are recovering from an injury or have some other preexisting cap or contra-indication for some choices )

    As I mentioned above, if someone is a beginner who needs time to develop some stamina (aka just the SOUND of "a whole 20 minutes" seems scary-out of reach) .... break it up through the day as needed. So long as the total adds up to 20 minute (or more)
  • Ginharbe
    Ginharbe Posts: 76 Member
    Winner_in_Life, sorry for your loss, I send you lots of hugs and stay strong
  • mshawski
    mshawski Posts: 1,054 Member
    @Winner_in_Life - I’m so sorry for your loss. All the hugs coming your way. ❤️
  • biketheworld
    biketheworld Posts: 2,340 Member
    @Winner_in_Life - I’m so sorry about your husband. Sending hugs to you.

    Welcome to all the newbies. You’ve joined a fantastic group!

    I’ve been on the UAC since 1/1/21, and on MFP on and off for a few years. The UAC is honestly the best group I’ve joined because it focuses on the basics of success. That said, my weight loss journey has been slow slow slow BUT I’m keeping off what I’ve lost, and I weigh about what I weighed in 2009. I still have 20 or 30 more to go, but I’m thrilled I haven’t put the 30 I’ve lost back on.