ibawaya Member


  • Congratulations on your wonderful progress! Your family is trying to sabotage your efforts--don't let them. Any change disrupts a family, which is really a process. You need to remain strong to avoid efforts to sabotage you. Look for allies in your family and friends--some people probably admire your stamina.
  • I would fill up on the veggie stir fry and things like green bean chicken, or anything with shrimp as long as it's not fried, and tofu, skipping rice and noodles. Or try a different dish each time, and enjoy!
  • You can do it! Lots of great advice here! For me, daily tracking of food and exercise is really helpful. Even if I go over the limit, I write it down. Taking it a day at a time is the way to succeed. If you have a bad moment or a bad day, just keep tracking the next day. Reward yourself for every success--if you have a day…
  • Good luck Rob! You are doing great!