
  • A sharp pain is likely to be a result of form breakdown. A stiffness or dull ache is likely DOMS
  • You should start with a novice program that focus on progressive overload, it will make you strong and gain muscle (and also speed up your fat loss). I would recommend something like this -
  • Your knees are hurting because you are performing a variation of the squat that puts your knees at risk by absorbing the weight. In other words, your form is breaking down and you are performing a 'half squat' which puts too much tension on your knee joints causing inflammation and pain. You should reduce the weight on…
  • That's likely because you're getting a bigger pump due to the higher number of reps. Chasing the pump does nothing for actual strength and muscle, however. Number of reps is redundant, you should be focusing on progressive overload. If you're serious about lifting, you should drop the leg press and start squatting and…