SuzannefromtheSC Member


  • Looking for motivated people to help me be accountable. It really helps me to know that what I eat is public. I find myself thinking about it when I'm making food choices. Please add me!
  • I will have to try those target jeans. I have nothing but bad luck lately buying jeans.
  • I try to distract myself and wait it out. Sometimes gum helps or coffee with a low calorie creamer. Decaf in the evening. If the craving won't go away I try to have a small portion of what I want. Sometimes ignoring the craving only makes it worse and I end up eating way more than I should. Good luck to you. I've heard it…
  • Counting calories helps me to enjoy my food more. I find myself eating slower and really tasting my food instead of just mindlessly eating in front of the tv. I'm hoping to also expand my fruit and vegetable choices and try some new ones. Any suggestions on some that are in season or will be soon?
  • I do the same thing. I go hard for a month or so and then life stuff happens and I can't get back on track. I need to though. My blood pressure is rising and so is my cholesterol. It's time. I hope your shoulder heals well and you can exercise again soon. Good luck to you.