sighox Member


  • Hei. I've had this problem aswell. It's normal especially in the beginning (say 2-4 weeks roughly). The size of your stomach will decrease gradually, which will help with the fullness/satiety feeling. I've experienced, and heard from research that foods high in protein and fibre are good for the feeling of satiety. Here's…
  • Good luck. All you need is discipline, consistency and a plan. My best tip: Keep the food rich in proteins, and make sure you spend a lot of your calories on vegetables. Vegetables are very low in calorie density, and can fill your hungry stomach even if you only have 100-200 calories left. This, along with a focus on…
  • Congratulations on your great weight loss! :) You dont look bad, and if you don't mind me saying, the problem you have is not your ribs (your skeletal structure looks perfectly normal) - its the fact that your abdominal muscles arent "large" enough. (pardon my french but english is not my mother tongue, I do not mean to be…