imjia Member


  • Well, you look amazing but it also looks like you're much happier now.
  • I think doing keto is not the best option for you right now. You should set smaller goals at first and work up from there. I did keto but found it very restrictive at first so gave up. But then i started eating healthy in general, added more vegetables to my diet, monitored everything, ate on set times and started cutting…
  • I'm aware of the fact, that I'll still need to eat fewer calories to lose. However, since I'm only wanting to lose body fat and not body weight, I'm trying to look into something that'll work faster without leaving me too underweight. My height is 164cm and weight is at 50.5kg but I still have some belly fat to lose, so…
  • That would be possible, I've done my research on it and if it would be possible for me to do, however I don't seem to find any information on how your body reacts after you stop this "diet" and eat moderate carbs and healthy meals.
  • Thank you, I actually checked that link a couple of times, to figure out if it was possible for me to do keto at all.
  • Hari Bol! I'm looking into fat loss, not weight loss. I work out 5-6 times a week, HIIT 3-4 times and strength training 5 times. Gaining body fat back is what I'm mainly worried about, I would still continue to eat healthy, right now I'm eating about100g carbs
  • Never stop at the convenience store, always have water with me!
  • Thanks for your input everyone. I guess I am being a bit impatient but more than that I'm actually worried. I do lift, I do strength training 4-5days a week and HIIT 2-3 days. The main problem is, if I lose 0.5kgs more, I'll officially be underweight, and fat wise, well I'm still struggling to lose those love handles. I'm…
    in How long? Comment by imjia June 2016