tashrifica Member


  • Hey all, I'm still here. I pop on daily to see how everyone is doing in hopes i can find my motivation again. I've been dealing with some family health issues and its taking everything I've got to keep my kiddo going, so I've not been able to stay on my plan. I'm feeling gross, tired, uninspired and a tad bit hopeless. I…
  • I'm trying hard to stay on track but this week has been tough; I'm dealing with lots of stress and illness in my immediate family. I'm sad, I'm tired and want to eat everything and sleep. The absolute last thing i feel like doing while looking after everyone is cooking. Anyone have any go-to take-out meals or fast food…
  • Thanks for this! I'll give it a try too :)
  • @desertbloom415 I have not been great at getting my walks in lately, and previous to me starting this recent weight loss journey, i was completely sedentary, no exercise whatsoever. Rather than try to add 1 hour walks to my day from the start, i am trying to bake in 3 smaller 10 to 15 minute walks each day. Cumulatively,…
  • Hi all, I've been out of the loop for a bit and not super successful with my goals here. I was out of town for most of last week living out of a suitcase and eating in restaurants. Not walking, not tracking, not drinking my water....ugh. I got back on track yesterday with logging but still haven't gotten back into my daily…
  • @Working2BBetter Congratulations on your weight loss to date, that's great! I'd love to hear how you've done it so far...as I'm sure many others do also! Hope everyone else is having a great week so far, I am so happy tomorrow is Friday! I am plugging away here at my mini goals...3 small walks a day, tracking every meal,…
  • So I bought a pretty journal and have set up a little habit tracker for the month of September. Things like get 8 hours of sleep, drink 120 Oz water a day, track every meal in MFP, do 3 10 minute walks per day. Also threw in some things like read 25 pages of a book....hoping that I can be consistent at these very small…
  • Hi all, I'm a repeat user, too many times to count. I'm almost 50, married 27 years, and have over 50 pounds to lose. I've never lost any significant weight before, just lose and regain the same 20 pounds. I think menopause is really messing with my efforts, as regardless of what I'm doing, i continue to gain in areas I…
  • Hey! I am also not new to MFP but have never jumped into the 'community' part before. I am also in need of some accountability and support, I have tried so many times and failed, but hoping this time can be different. The goal is to make some tiny changes and aim for consistency. I have 50+ pounds to lose. I'm also here if…