
  • desertbloom415
    desertbloom415 Posts: 44 Member
    I remembered an easy way to fend off cravings: brush your teeth or chew some gum! Those tastes will help make other foods unappetizing for a while at least, and every little bit helps. :)
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    ddsb1111 Posts: 322 Member
    I have to ask, why does everyone stress the very married part? I believe I saw in another thread that she wanted an intro with the friend requests so she knew they weren’t a perv. This concerns me, does this happen? Have you had personal experiences on here where several people made you that uncomfortable?? 🙁

    Unfortunately yes, it happens a lot. I think 'very married' is a polite way to ask others not to make this group about anything sexual and that we're all here just to get healthier without having to fend of unwanted advances. It's like when you take a nice walk on a simple errand starting off in a good mood and then someone ruins it all by saying something unwanted and untoward. The xbowhunter alpha male poser type person above is wrong, probably not the first time. I wouldn't be surprised if I got some hate messages from them from this post alone.

    I didn’t realize it happened a lot, I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m sure those people are being reported 🤞🏻so I won’t mention it further. I hope there comes a time where we don’t have to be hyper aware because no one’s pushes those boundaries.
  • desertbloom415
    desertbloom415 Posts: 44 Member
    tashrifica wrote: »
    Hi all, I've been out of the loop for a bit and not super successful with my goals here. I was out of town for most of last week living out of a suitcase and eating in restaurants. Not walking, not tracking, not drinking my water....ugh. I got back on track yesterday with logging but still haven't gotten back into my daily walks yet, so tired. I'm not gonna beat myself up about it, just hoping when i weigh in tomorrow its not too big of a gain.
    I hope everyone else is doing well, is anyone doing regular exercise? I'm super out of shape and i know i need to start, aside from walking i am thinking some strength training or body weight exercises. Do you follow anyone on youtube? I'm open to any suggestions. Thanks all.

    Hi and welcome to the group! What do you do to motivate yourself to go for walks? I'm having trouble with that. I do follow some stretching/yoga youtube videos and will post them after I go look, thanks.
  • tashrifica
    tashrifica Posts: 9 Member
    @desertbloom415 I have not been great at getting my walks in lately, and previous to me starting this recent weight loss journey, i was completely sedentary, no exercise whatsoever. Rather than try to add 1 hour walks to my day from the start, i am trying to bake in 3 smaller 10 to 15 minute walks each day. Cumulatively, that's 30 to 45 minutes of movement i wasn't getting before. I try to do an extra block or two in the morning from my parking lot to the office and in the evenings i wander around my kitchen and living room while i watch my TV show, it feels silly but every step counts.
  • desertbloom415
    desertbloom415 Posts: 44 Member
    @tashrifica I'm going to work in your tips as I'm completely sedentary now working behind a computer. It seems like the only time I get exercise is when I walk to the store or clean.

    Another member of the group who I've been emailing with for motivation and encouragement said she went for a walk with a neighbor and her dog. It reminded me of when I used to love walking: I'd walk my neighbor's dog and it held me accountable because I wouldn't let them down. It motivated me because it was so fun because there's a great dog park nearby and it's hilarious watching them all play together and have a good time. Some new neighbors moved in next door with a dog so I'll introduce myself and ask them if I can walk theirs.

    Could other members talk about what motivates them to exercise?
  • desertbloom415
    desertbloom415 Posts: 44 Member
    Friday weigh-ins (doing calorie deficit with goal of ~1200/day plus walking).
    Starting weight: 194 lbs
    Goal weight: 140 lbs

    9/01 190 (-4)
    9/08 188.5 (-1.5)
    9/17 190.5 (+2)
    9/22 187.6 (back to where I was before gaining last week)
  • desertbloom415
    desertbloom415 Posts: 44 Member
    @tashrifica i found this stretching video for people like me who haven't done a lot of exercise in a while. i'll try it later, hopefully it helps everyone here:
  • PoppDillon
    PoppDillon Posts: 6 Member
    Monday (Australia time!) weigh in.
    Starting weight: 215lb
    Current weight: 210lb
    Short term goal: 200lb
    Goal weight: 175lb
    So a loss of 5lb this week. I know it's the first focused week for a while and this level is not sustainable but it has encouraged me. Tracking on mfp every day and finally being able to walk again (plantar fasciitis)
  • desertbloom415
    desertbloom415 Posts: 44 Member
    PoppDillon wrote: »
    Monday (Australia time!) weigh in.
    Starting weight: 215lb
    Current weight: 210lb
    Short term goal: 200lb
    Goal weight: 175lb
    So a loss of 5lb this week. I know it's the first focused week for a while and this level is not sustainable but it has encouraged me. Tracking on mfp every day and finally being able to walk again (plantar fasciitis)

    woohoo - congrats!
  • tashrifica
    tashrifica Posts: 9 Member
    @tashrifica i found this stretching video for people like me who haven't done a lot of exercise in a while. i'll try it later, hopefully it helps everyone here:

    Thanks for this! I'll give it a try too :)
  • tashrifica
    tashrifica Posts: 9 Member
    I'm trying hard to stay on track but this week has been tough; I'm dealing with lots of stress and illness in my immediate family. I'm sad, I'm tired and want to eat everything and sleep. The absolute last thing i feel like doing while looking after everyone is cooking. Anyone have any go-to take-out meals or fast food that aren't absolutely terrible for you? Just something quick and satisfying that wont derail me? Thanks in advance!
  • desertbloom415
    desertbloom415 Posts: 44 Member
    Friday weigh-ins (doing calorie deficit with goal of ~1200/day plus walking).
    Starting weight: 194 lbs
    Goal weight: 140 lbs

    9/01 190 (-4)
    9/08 188.5 (-1.5)
    9/17 190.5 (+2)
    9/22 187.6 (almost back to where I was before gaining last week)
    9/29 187 (-7)

    Feeling proud at losing 7 lbs since trying in earnest to lose weight (yet) again. I think it's been a little over a month since I found this group and I check it everyday and read all the posts and comments. It really does keep me going so thank you all so much this past month. I still have such a long way to go, 47 lbs to go until I reach my goal. I'm so thankful for you all and it makes me think I'll make it through October ok. I saw eggnog in the store yesterday and it's only September - ugh that's my favorite!
  • desertbloom415
    desertbloom415 Posts: 44 Member
    tashrifica wrote: »
    I'm trying hard to stay on track but this week has been tough; I'm dealing with lots of stress and illness in my immediate family. I'm sad, I'm tired and want to eat everything and sleep. The absolute last thing i feel like doing while looking after everyone is cooking. Anyone have any go-to take-out meals or fast food that aren't absolutely terrible for you? Just something quick and satisfying that wont derail me? Thanks in advance!

    I don't know where you live but here the big grocery store chain is Safeway. On Fridays they have $6 Sushi day with good size portions. I always look forward to it because I pick up several and it gets me through the wknd because I freeze some of them. Maybe there's sushi place near you that delivers or you can order pickup? If you steer clear of the tempura it's pretty healthy.

    Sorry to hear about your rough week. I had one very nearly like it and on Wed got news my uncle was dx'd with cancer. If I'd had anything unhealthy in the house or easy to microwave I would've eaten it all. I'm so glad I didn't! That's one of my worst problems: eating my emotions. Good luck and thank you for reminding me about $6 sushi day - gonna walk over to get some now. :)
  • desertbloom415
    desertbloom415 Posts: 44 Member
    Had such a great day staying in my calorie range of 1200 calories/day and also did 3 hours of cleaning and moving my storage space. I had a stroke 5 yrs ago and gained a lot of weight while sedentary in bed afterwards while recovering and also eating way too much from stress about my future and plain ole feeling sorry for myself. Family is 1000 miles away so they couldn't help and I was pretty scared there for a while wondering if I'd be able to stay in my beloved city and neighborhood where I stayed after going away to school here. I finally feel like I'm making some real progress - so happy and hoping to stay motivated for this weight loss and improving my life. I lost my apartment because I was in a coma after my stroke and then couldn't afford an apartment by myself like before because it's so darn expensive here but luckily I found a room to rent right around the corner from my former apartment. So happy to be right near my old corner of 20yrs because it's so much easier to go on with so many friendly faces met over the years, especially in the shops and grocery stores I'd frequented. I feel so grateful right now and it's making me feel optimistic about staying on this positive track forward. Thank you for all your posts, it really helps me stay motivated and accountable!
  • 23Bougie
    23Bougie Posts: 31 Member
    Friday weigh-ins (doing calorie deficit with goal of ~1200/day plus walking).
    Starting weight: 194 lbs
    Goal weight: 140 lbs

    9/01 190 (-4)
    9/08 188.5 (-1.5)
    9/17 190.5 (+2)
    9/22 187.6 (almost back to where I was before gaining last week)
    9/29 187 (-7)

    Feeling proud at losing 7 lbs since trying in earnest to lose weight (yet) again. I think it's been a little over a month since I found this group and I check it everyday and read all the posts and comments. It really does keep me going so thank you all so much this past month. I still have such a long way to go, 47 lbs to go until I reach my goal. I'm so thankful for you all and it makes me think I'll make it through October ok. I saw eggnog in the store yesterday and it's only September - ugh that's my favorite!

    Way to go with your loss! I fell off this wagon hard, but am ready to step it back up. I want to go into the holidays with a healthier relationship with food and exercise! I need to stay away from sugar and gluten so my plan is to have plenty of fruit for. Few days to ease out of the sugar addiction…. I always feel SO much better when I remove sugar as much as possible.

    Thanks for checking in daily and I will try to do the same again!
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 1,040 Member
    edited October 2023
    Looks like a fair number of people in this group have faded away. I’m still here @desertbloom415. Hope to see others return and update us on their progress and/or challenges to stay motivated and accountable.
    @23Bougie - Was very nice of you to start this thread.
    My husband and I have been on vacation this week. I’ll see which way the scale has tipped once we get home. I did basically log in all my food every day this week while we were gone and managed over 70,000 steps for the week 😀
  • 23Bougie
    23Bougie Posts: 31 Member
    tashrifica wrote: »
    I'm trying hard to stay on track but this week has been tough; I'm dealing with lots of stress and illness in my immediate family. I'm sad, I'm tired and want to eat everything and sleep. The absolute last thing i feel like doing while looking after everyone is cooking. Anyone have any go-to take-out meals or fast food that aren't absolutely terrible for you? Just something quick and satisfying that wont derail me? Thanks in advance!

    I’m sorry you are going through so much stress and sadness. As far as easier healthy meals, maybe a rotisserie chicken? I like to buy them and pull all the meat off when they are still warm. You get a few meals from one depending on their
  • PoppDillon
    PoppDillon Posts: 6 Member
    Monday weigh in - welcome to daylight savings time! I lost an hour!

    Starting weight: 215lb
    Current weight: 208lb
    Short term goal: 200lb
    Goal weight: 175lb

    2lb weight loss this week - slow and steady wins the race etc!
  • desertbloom415
    desertbloom415 Posts: 44 Member
    edited October 2023
    daria0919 wrote: »
    Looks like a fair number of people in this group have faded away. I’m still here @desertbloom415. Hope to see others return and update us on their progress and/or challenges to stay motivated and accountable.
    @23Bougie - Was very nice of you to start this thread.
    My husband and I have been on vacation this week. I’ll see which way the scale has tipped once we get home. I did basically log in all my food every day this week while we were gone and managed over 70,000 steps for the week 😀

    Thanks for writing this! I discovered the area where we can see others lil progress updates last week. It's a real mood booster to see all the 'likes' and encouraging words. I haven't been a member of a group or thread before on this website so it's been fun discovering new aspects of it.

    I can't believe you do 10k steps/day - amazing. I need to update my smart watch because it's been wonky lately. It records steps and it'll be interesting to see how many I do although I'm sure it's not very many. I'm way too sedentary so I've been working hard to improve that.
  • desertbloom415
    desertbloom415 Posts: 44 Member
    23Bougie wrote: »
    Friday weigh-ins (doing calorie deficit with goal of ~1200/day plus walking).
    Starting weight: 194 lbs
    Goal weight: 140 lbs

    9/01 190 (-4)
    9/08 188.5 (-1.5)
    9/17 190.5 (+2)
    9/22 187.6 (almost back to where I was before gaining last week)
    9/29 187 (-7)

    Feeling proud at losing 7 lbs since trying in earnest to lose weight (yet) again. I think it's been a little over a month since I found this group and I check it everyday and read all the posts and comments. It really does keep me going so thank you all so much this past month. I still have such a long way to go, 47 lbs to go until I reach my goal. I'm so thankful for you all and it makes me think I'll make it through October ok. I saw eggnog in the store yesterday and it's only September - ugh that's my favorite!

    Way to go with your loss! I fell off this wagon hard, but am ready to step it back up. I want to go into the holidays with a healthier relationship with food and exercise! I need to stay away from sugar and gluten so my plan is to have plenty of fruit for. Few days to ease out of the sugar addiction…. I always feel SO much better when I remove sugar as much as possible.

    Thanks for checking in daily and I will try to do the same again!

    Once I haven't had sugar for a few days in a row I definitely stop craving it. I noticed I started putting sugar in my coffee just because it was right next to the coffee pot. It took only a week before I started really craving it and I noticed today when I had my coffee without it like I used to I really wanted to reach for that sugar. Now it'll take me a while to get back to the point where I'm not craving it again. Kicking myself for starting it just to have to get back off it again. Live and learn though!