critterbug15 Member


  • Hey OP, I'd recommend reading this article: Kellymom is a great source of evidence based information on breastfeeding.
  • You'll look and feel better when you get there if you lift heavy. :smiley:
  • Mmmm. Thank you!
  • 20,000 a day is awesome!
  • Just jump back in! The water's cold, but that too shall pass. But seriously, if you're not satisfied, eat bulky foods that are filling and have low calories (e.g., vegetables), protein, fat. And if you need to, increase your cals. You may find you're satisfied on less once you're back to feeling like, say, 1500, is normal.
  • Haha I believed that meal frequency myth for a while, too, including that your body could only process - I think, 30g - of protein at a time and after 3 hours, it needed to be reproteined. And ate casein at night. Hahaha That didn't last and my strength and muscles did not suffer for it. You might enjoy this article, then:…
  • Background (you may not need to do this): I read a bit about insulin resistance, noted that I exhibited a lot of the symptoms since my pregnancy, so I suspect it started then. The symptoms I had were low energy, hunger, and sugar cravings after meals that had, say, >40-50g carbs (primarily dinner, though the meal should…
  • Peanut Butter. I don't eat to fill my calorie goal unless my protein is too low for the day or if I'm not hungry because I feel like crap, which usually means that I've eaten too little for too long.
  • I have a Garmin 630 and my husband has a Garmin Fenix 3. We both had Polar devices before and didn't really love them. The Polar loop has minimal information comparatively. And the Garmin step challenges are a lot of fun if you use them to motivate yourself. He did his 1st half marathon distance to win one week. Haha The…
  • I think you're right and I don't remember where I read that - do you? I can't find the full study, either - just the abstract. Anyway - another issue is that the low carb group was at 40% carbs, which doesn't match a keto diet. IRT lean tissue, there have been studies that show lower lean tissue loss at higher fat…
  • I haven't read the study that is being referenced here, but the info is interesting (and I trust Lyle McDonald's citations): "For the most part, no major difference in terms of weight loss has been found in subjects with different insulin sensitivities (2). However, at least one study found that the specific diet given…
  • I have always had to keep an eye on my intake... I've always seen the scale move up if I ate everything I wanted. I got pudgy for a brief time as a kid when I lived with my father and he let me eat 2 ice cream sandwiches when I got home from school every day. I went back to live with my mum and she very subtly - without…
  • It is strange, but there are some suggestions that keto diets actually have benefits for longer duration, lower intensity activity. The idea is that a body adapted to using free fatty acids for fuel has an available energy source once glycogen is depleted (so there is no bonk two hours in) and that also means it doesn't…
  • Tempeh, tofu - there are some faux meats that are convenient (e.g., gardein, quorn). I'm not vegan; I'm ovo-lacto keto right now and that's tough for me. Hats off to you. Ethically, I believe I should be vegan and I hate to say it, but I'm just not ready to make the commitment. So salute... The nice thing about it, though,…
  • Closer to goal BF%, I have a free day. I can't cut as many calories with less fat stores so it helps with energy levels when leaner and also I feel better about doing it. I have also had to do it periodically in the last 8 weeks - 2 meals that I can think of - because on a prolonged deficit I start to feel like crud and a…
  • The difference is that, when losing, you're at a calorie deficit. If you can fit treats in while maintaining your deficit, great. But I do eat more "treats" when maintaining than when restricting calories. If it works for you and others, again, that's great. But not treating yourself while on restricted consumption does…
  • Do you take a multi? Are you making sure you get enough sodium, potassium, and magnesium? It may not be that simple or even that complex - it may just be that your deficit is high enough that you don't have the calories you need to be very active. That's a common side effect of big deficits. If you're willing to delay…
  • I've always skimmed insulin theories prior to my current situation. I ate at a nice deficit, lifted, ran, for 2 postpartum years (with a few breaks) and varied about 3-5 pounds one way or the other. I could not lose it and free days during which I indulged in sugary things left me feeling insatiable for a few days. I had,…
  • Congrats, Philippa!
  • You can get complete proteins from vegetarian and pescetarian diets. You can do it especially easily on a pescetarian diet. Do a search for [complete] protein sources and pick the ones you like. Mmm. Salmon.
  • It will pass. Your whole body does take a lot of impact while running, on a treadmill or elsewhere. It will hurt less next time and so on until your whole body isn't sore after running. ETA: Expect to be sore after anything new is added to your workout.
  • ^yea, as long as you can understand that it's not even the most accurate gauge of your progress in the short term (and weighing often can help you understand that), it's fine to weigh every day. Just weigh at the same time. e.g., In the morning after you go to the bathroom unclothed. There are legitimate arguments against…
  • You should check out Martin Berkhan ( and Lyle McDonald ( both have a huge amount of information. If you like understanding the why, etc... check them out. Love reading both of them. And here's Berkhan on Top Ten Fasting Myths. He talks about the myth that skipping breakfast is…
  • It's likely water weight. The fat loss will show up eventually. How often do you weigh? Weighing often really highlights fluctuations in water weight... like after a high sodium day, you see an extra pound and say, "Yah, I thought so..." etc. It can give you a better understanding of the scale, but if you rely on the scale…
  • My cravings for sweet stuff went away completely, but I did have to cut out sweet stuff completely for that to happen. I do, though, have some protein shakes that are artificially sweetened and they help, rather that hurt. And like zoink66 said, they taste much sweeter after cutting out other stuff. Some people respond…
  • As an aside, it's amazing (and quite functionally "beautiful") to me that our systems are driven by the same basic hormones and there's such diversity in experience. How very cool.
  • I asked a similar question the other day... my reason for coming to the forum a'tall. :) I actually hold onto weight for a week or two after my period and then it comes off. It's usually 2 pounds or so.
  • That's simply not sustainable.
  • kellymom has some good resources and is pretty highly regarded. Here are a few articles you might want to read: The links at the bottom of those are good. Agree with janjunie that you should increase cals if you…