dawnfoster50951 Member


  • I have thyroiditis. My numbers go up and plummet down . Are normal for a while and then start all Over . God it sucks !! The neutronist I saw said to eat protein with each meal and snack . Add whole wheat with each meal and drinks LOTS of water .
  • I am 32 (almost 33) your welcome to add me as a friend . Sorry I would you but have no idea how to hahah
  • I have crohns-Colits , degentive disc disease , and hemoplegic migraines . Topamax did nothing for my migraines not to loose weight (actually it made me gain weight and cause tingling in extremities ). I too have a lot of pain and talked to my doctors and was proscribed tramadol. At the time it was NOT a narcotic . I was…
  • I am 32 5' and weight 147. I get where your coming from though really. I weighed 190 after my son almost 6 years ago and somehow lost it. I have tried and tried recently and gain vs loosing . I also in Denil about clothing size . I feel like everyone gets so think so easy . I never excerised and now do and all I do is gain…
  • My thoughts..1-is thyroid normal ?, 2- are you eating enough ? My nutritionist told me for being 5'2" and 157 lbs (I want to be down to 130lbs) I have to stay at 1200 calories . I can not go under or over . For me not to try to eat my excerise calories unless I am truely hungry . To eat protein with each meal and snack .…