leanneclarke2012 Member


  • Im on day 9 today i finally stopped acheing all over after about a week and my endurance has improved but i still struggle on the jump rope straight after the jumping jacks lol. I always seem to get a second wind of energy towards the end when you do it all from start to finish on the last round. Perservear with it though…
  • I have 2 babies too, well my oldest isnt a baby no more hes 4 lol and i have a 9month old boy too :blush: they definitely keep me on my toes haha
  • I didnt think id lost any cms in just a week, im sure you will do great :) make sure you let us know your results. Im on day 6today and jillian is right my endurance is improving :smiley:
  • Add me if you want to :) im on day 7 ive lost weight in the past put it bk on through my pregnancy now im getting it back off again:) ive been exercising daily and eating healthy and have lost 6lb in my first week
  • Awww bless u, itll get easier. Ive had my weekly weigh in today and ive lost 6lb! Lost 3.5cm off my waist and 4.5 cm off my hips amongst other cms from thighs and bust :) im well chuffed
  • Yeah ive been sore since starting it hopefully itll disappear soon but its a ache i love at least i know im doing good :smiley:
  • I intend on doing it for a couple months once i hit level 3 ill stay there, im doing it 6days a week :) before i moved house there was a gym at the top of my street i loved it! When i took my oldest to nursery id go there i lost 2 stone then fell pregnant and put it all bk on +an extra stone :( i have a holiday booked in…
  • Im a mum of 2 boys (4yrs and 9months) i work out on a night, i put my oldest to bed at 7 and my partner and baby go upstairs and he settles and puts little one to bed so i can work out :) x
  • Im on day 5 today :) its hard work and i ache like mad but i love it
  • Im a mum of 2 and my life is so hectic. There is also no Gym or fitness class in my area. Once my eldest goes to bed a 7pm i kick my partner out the living room and do my work out dvd :) cant you do anything like this?