Pizza snd Mexican
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I lost my libido and a lot of hair! It is growing back since I increased my healthy fats like avocados, almonds, etc. And I started to drink 90 to 100 oz of water everyday.
I use either Mapmyfitness, or runtastic. Both are pretty good apps.
Walk, ride a bike, swim. Or if you have stairs you can walk them. Do you have a stretch band? That is great for resistance.
Try a food journal. I write everything down. Even how I feel before and after. Then when I see a trend of binging, I go back and see what happened that day or how I was feeling at that time. I learned how stress really is a big reason. Why I binge. And what helps me not to binge is to distract myself. Like I walk, or ride…
Thanks. I took my scale to work and leave it at my desk. I have another one at home as well. That is good enough I think. I will get better.
Added you.
Thank you.
I feel your pain. I was at 249 last year. I went down to 167. Now I am back up to 185. I am 45 and 6ft tall and want to get back to 167. We bought jet ski's and will be spending a lot of time at the lake. Want to look (& feel) great this summer.
Awesome advise. Thank you very much! I have a food scale. Just feel weird using it in public. But I am hoping that I will get more experienced as time goes on.