Booper21 Member


  • Everything all of you have been advising is great. I have decided that it is back to the drawing board, but I am not going to let this get the best of me. Thanks.
  • I am a stress eater so when I am really stressed just about anything I can get in my mouth will do. I have been tracking my food in take but find that I can not even reach my calorie intake. Most of the time I am to low, as I am very conscious of every little thing I eat to be sure I stay in the range. This in itself in…
  • I understand your thoughts. I am with you, working full time and trying to chop vegetables is difficult. Bottom line is I want to loose the weight so I am going to see if I can carve out the time to do what it takes.
  • That helps I will try that.
    in Over 50 Comment by Booper21 August 2016