mistlechild Member


  • I've been riding most sunny days. There's been a lot of rain this spring so the first three weeks I was averaging about 2-3 days. This week was 4. I feel like I'm hitting a groove, which is pretty cool. :)
  • Thanks for all your input, folks. I know it's not a far distance but this is my first time riding that far on a daily basis and was curious to know how other bikers eat prior to a commuting distance ride as opposed to a long distance ride.
  • Try celebrating each reduction, even if you don't think it's worth celebrating. A lot of my frustration is built on constantly badgering myself or minimizing rather than celebrating my achievements. Even if it's as little as telling yourself that you've done a good job. Out loud. Hearing it may help!
  • Wow! Interesting breakfasts! Looks like I'm not too far off from everyone else, although I definitely can't say that I would be able to ride without something in my belly before I go. I also alternatively eat porridge with egg whites or a single egg mixed in with yogurt and some fruit. But those are days I take my time…
  • This is really good advice. Glad I came across it! I'm just starting the C25K program and I think I need to get over the mental hurdles over anything else.
  • A friend recently visited me on my birthday (over the weekend) and revealed she'd lost about 27 lb since the last time I saw her in September. It was a kick in the pants reminder that time moves forward regardless and that I was doing pretty well this year, too!
  • A useful suggestion!
  • I can't imagine what it must be like to have a sick child, but I don't think you should be so hard on yourself. This is a stressful time in your life and food is a coping mechanism, and not the worst kind either. I would be very kind to myself at this time. I think we've all gone through those dark times in different ways.…