mousecat88 Member


  • I just started Belviq on Friday. I need to lose 140 lbs. It's made me feel pretty worn out, like I need to just lay in one spot all weekend. And my arms feel kinda weak. It's helped with appetite so far, though. I'm going to keep trying with it.
  • When I was a young child, my father would pinch my thighs and tell me I was getting chubby. He would make small remarks about how I was putting on weight or needed to lose weight. I was a TOTALLY NORMAL weight. Even at 125 lbs and STUNNING as a teenager, I would get those comments, and I HATED my body. I thought I was…
  • Edit: I am now prediabetic AND have sleep apnea (which I JUST got a machine for last night). I also have Lyme Disease and rheumatoid arthritis, which limits my exercise. Right now I am focusing on diet changes. I simply cannot take on too much at once or I get even more discouraged by the lack of instant results.
  • Please feel free to add. I'm 27 years old, 5'3" and 280 lbs! Looking to lose 140!
  • yeah, sorry, I meant 6 per hour. the nurse had said that the home studies aren't as reliable so I should have a full one done in the lab. I really have no clue. I'm going to another nurse on Monday to get a second opinion about all of this.
  • To clarify, I am not at all opposed to using the CPAP. If I need it, I need it. And if I lose a bunch of weight, I can do another study to reassess the need down the line. I've just read some about how regulating sleep affects hormones and has led some people to have better weight loss success, and was curious about that.
  • The home test identified "6 apneas per hour, 1 being obstructive" and said I had mild sleep apnea. It said the normal rating is "5" and I rated at a "6". I am under the impression they are doing the full sleep study and CPAP titration at the same time. Which I understand for efficiency-sake, but what if the full study…
  • My current doctor's office is basically the community clinic and sees way too many patients than they can handle. They do referrals in the order they are ordered by the doctors and the wait time is about 6-8 weeks right now before they "get to you". So, basically, they are telling me I need a CPAP and my O2 is 70% at…
  • Yes, of course I called the doctor. She would not call me back and kept having her nurse call me and just tell me to go for the full sleep study and the CPAP. I've been waiting 2 months for them to get the preauth and set up the appointment. I called another doctor a few days ago and I'm seeing them on Monday for the…
  • I'm not even sure if I truly need a CPAP. My doctor never called me back to the office to discuss the results after the in-home sleep study before sending out a referral for me to a get a CPAP and the results from the at-home study say I have 6 apneas per night. Which is only one above normal. Does that really justify a…
  • what kind of weight loss have you seen, if you don't mind me asking?
  • hi all, I have 140 lbs to lose and I'm just starting! I gained all the weight in just the years, so it's a bit of a shock. looking at 140 lbs seems like an impossible number to lower, especially 1 or 2 lbs a week. I'm on a pretty tough bariatric patients inspired diet in the hope I can avoid gastric
  • hi everyone! I have 140 lbs to lose and just restarted my journey. feel free to add!
  • last five years*
  • I am doing this on my own. I used to take phentermine but it made my resting heart rate 160! I am drinking 2 shakes per day and one low carb meal. I just finished day 2 and I'm doing good. Hungry, but I know it's worth it! I read such good things about BA and Optifast. I have 140 lbs to lose.