Add me!! :D Looking to lose 40lbs in around 4 months or so. Help meee!!
Yes it is.
I am on the SlimFast diet at the moment. Posting regular updates so I would love more friends to help keep me motivated and I you.
Hello, For my SlimFast diet I will be replacing 2 meals a day with 2 shakes, eating only fruit or SlimFast snacks in between and one 600kcal meal a day.. Need to exercise as much as I can and drink at least 2 litres of water. I am currently drinking the strawberry flavoured shakes which I actually really enjoy, I am yet to…
I'm sorry I don't know what you mean by I can't really leave? Also I'm not going wild with anything here I'm just stating how determined I am to start over again. I did the weight loss in a very healthy way and made a few lifestyle changes, but I had a bad breakup and became a single parent completely on my own. So I just…
Add me up!! Need some constructive criticism!
Feel free to add me. ✌
Yes pcpop7! Still got lard to bust just not as much as some people. We're all in this together no matter what size we are when our goals are reached.
That's an amazing loss, good work! :)
Keep up the good work! :)
Add me up!! Looking to lose around 50lbs ☺
Wow ! ! Fantastic ! Keep up the good work. :)
I dont have spotify or soundcloud so just need names of tunes.
Thank you ! Just dying to get rid of this hanging tyre. After I had a baby it's been so tough trying to keep up motivation via exercise and calorie counting but this time I feel ready !
How does it not? Just need some decent people into getting fit to add me up and give me some tips.
Lol catfish. Wuuuut? Just dont need any wierdos but thanks for your input. B)
Thank you ! !
Add me up ! ! :D
If you look at the number of servings I actually ate 3, but I would have eaten the 6 as they were delicious!