I love Sarahs Day (mostly for food and positivity) and for the workout Popsugar but only featuring Jake DuPree, HIT Daily, Blogpilates, Lumowell and FitnessBlender.
Hell yeah ;)
Today was my level 1 day 1 and the only problem I had was with the cardio after the legs part. Not to bad for the first day :)
Just got back from the store :)
Holland vs Netherlands and "a guy's name" ;)
What is the best food after a workout? Just proteins or also carbs? And why?
25 pounds
Why I didn't see this before? :/ I'm still in :D I' going to do my first plank now to see for how long I can do it.
Are you measuring everything (oil for the salad, milk in the coffee..) accurately on the scale?
We would do each others makeup :)
I'm doing IF (16:8) since March 1st and I've lost some weight but because I'm comsuming a calories deficit. I'm doing IF because it's easiest for me not to overeat in this way. During my fast period I always have a coffee with milk.
Yes. I eat only between noon and 8 pm.
Waist - face - stomach
Hello. I'm 30, eating everything but in moderation, doing intermittent fasting and working out at home. I'm trying to lose 26 pounds. Add me please :)
I'm in car on my way to visit my parents. (I'm not driving :) )
Calories and macronutrients (especially sugar). I try to eat processed food as little as possible and even that are things like humus, pasta , souces and basic things like that. I don't eat pre-made mails.
I had 2.600 calories on Suturday (around 1300 normaly) and what I did was I said sh** happen and Sunday I was back on track. You had one bad day in 3 weeks, how many do you think you will have in the next 10 years? A lot!! Is that a good enough reason to stop eating healthy? Absolutely not! Being healthy and feeling good…
Of you really need substitutes , people before me gave you a lot of ideas but if you don't, just cut them out. I do drink milk here and there (usually so it doesn't go bad) but apart from that I rarely have any dairy products and don't miss them and don't consume alternatives.
I always end up eating way to much on Saturdays.. It's not really the eating out or cooking for more people, it's just me eating what I don't need. I have no idea what the deal with Saturdays is... :/
@JonDress thank you :)
Tomato souce / curry / honey / garlic / chilli / anything really because you don't really need a lot.
Supplements question: I'm trying to loss weight and I'm eating healthy and excercise here and there. I'm taking B complecs, omega 3 and Msm (for the skin, hair). Is there something else I really should add just of an over all healthy lifestyles and not connected to weight loss?
Intermittent fasting is not any kind of diet but just define when you can and can't eat.
Not sleeping! It'a 4AM and after 2 hours of trying to fall asleep I give up.
"Watching" westworld
Hello. I'm 30, no kids. I want to lose 28 pouns. Please add me, togetheer we are stronger :)
Speaking of Oreos... I confese I only had 1 Oreo in my entire life and I didn't like it.
My mini goal is to fit perfectly in my current jeans without having the muffintop.
Feng shui consultant