cphixo91 Member


  • I'm always looking for new mom friends! They can relate the most to me. I've got 2 kids ages 3.5yo and 4 months, it's so hard not to eat processed crap that's quick so it generally stays out of my house. After my oldest I lost 100 lbs and I'm now losing the last 5 lbs of pregnancy weight from baby #2! Lost 35 so far since…
  • Hey :) I just had my second baby girl three months ago and I gained 40 lbs... I am 5 lbs away from pre pregnanacy weight but want to lose another 5 or 10 lbs or so that I have gained over the last years. Anybody can feel free to add me! I love having mommy friends who can relate.
  • Feel free to add me! I had baby #2 3 months ago and gained 45 lbs and now have 15 left to lose. I'm a stay at home mom as well and it's so hard to find time and energy to exercise.
  • I'm 5"3 and 150 right now. I had a baby 3 months ago and want to get back down to 130ish. Anybody can feel free to add me... I'm not new to weight loss, I lost 100 lbs after my first baby and I'm 100% determined to get back to my old fitness level!
  • I weigh myself every few days but try to weigh weekly, I don't obsess over the scale though. I'm on day 6 and finished the dirty 30! Loved that workout, it went by so incredibly fast! My body is so sore from the week but I'm feeling so much stronger already. I'm already down 3 lbs, 1 inch off of my waist an half an inch…
  • Hey! I'm glad I found this group. I finished day 2 of extreme today. It really kicks my butt, I cursed quite a few times yesterday and today haha It's great though! I just had baby #2 2.5 months ago and really need this push back in the right direction. I'm actually looking forward to my work out tomorrow.
  • Feel free to add me! I'm new here and in need of motivational friends. I am 5"4 and 158 lbs right now, just had my 2nd daughter 2 months ago via c section and want to get back down to 130. I'm not new to weight loss... 3 years ago after I had my first daughter I stopped looking at the scale after I hit 220. I lost around…
  • Feel free to add me! I'm new to mfp, but not to weight loss. I lost 100 lbs 3.5 years back after I had my first daughter and now after having my 2nd I'm 20 lbs up. I need more friends for motivation as well :)
    in Hello Comment by cphixo91 May 2016
  • Feel free to add me! I'm new to mfp and need motivational friends as well. When I had my first daughter I stopped looking at the scale after 220 lbs, I managed to get down to 128 but just had my 2nd daughter 1 month ago and I'm back up to 160. I've been in a bad relationship as well so I know and understand how hard it can…
  • I had my second daughter a month ago and went from 140-180, I'm down to 158 and want to be at 135ish for my first goal. When I had my first 3.5 years ago I gained a lot and lost around 100 lbs after so I desperately want to get back to where I was. I'm new to mfp so you ladies feel free to add me, I'm in need of some…
  • You are all free to add me! I'm just starting out on mfp so I don't have many friends. I lost a good 90 lbs after I had my 1st daughter over 3 years ago but I just had my 2nd daughter a month ago and I'm back up to about 160 and looking to lose another 30ish lbs and I'm 5"4.
  • Feel free to add me! I used to be vegan for many years until I met my hubby and started eating dairy again. But, I just had my 2nd baby and she has a dairy intolerance and I can't have dairy as long as I'm nursing her. So, I'm trying to be as vegan as I can again. The only thing I haven't given up yet is cream for my…
  • Hey! Feel free to add me. I'm not new to weight loss but new mfp. I lost about 100 lbs after I had my first daughter 3 years ago. I probably owe it all to breastfeeding lol! I'm 6 weeks pp right now with my 2nd baby girl. I'm 160 lbs right now and I'm looking to lose another 30-40 lbs. Congrats in the baby!
  • Thank you! I sure do have my hands full, my baby is high needs and won't nap until I hold her so getting these work outs in will be a challenge. It can be done though! Good luck to you as well!