I gained weight when working nights too. I tended to pack extra food like snacks to control for the only other options available - a company fridge packed with sodas. I had no other options nearby so I had to plan the meals in advance. I think planning will go a long way. If you have those kinds of hours then try to…
Add me too. I guess this is an old thread.
Feel free to add me.
San Diego, CA
I'm looking for any kind of mentorship available.
I'm looking for help from anyone who has had success on their weight loss journey. I work in IT and with people who fit the bill with IT eating habits - junk food, fast food, and lots of snacking. I'm trying to prevent the adoption of these habits. I tend to eat emotionally out of boredom at work. What do you do to prevent…
Thank you very much. Please let me know if I can offer support. I hiked for 1.5 hours earlier today. I'm off to a good start on the weekend.
Go for it! Add please. :)
She never drank coffee because the coffee machine broke.
Fake it until you become it.
30 lbs is my goal. Darn missed by 1 year upper age limit!