MissZimmy Member


  • Age: 32 Height: 5'9" SW: 352 CW: 321 = -31 GW for January 2022: 317.5 UGW: 143 January goals: - 4 bike rides a week - Keep making progress in spite of upcoming exam and study munchies - Eat at least 150g protein a day. 2022 goals: - weigh 218 by end of December - Continue cycling 3-5 times a week
  • Age: 32 Height: 5'9" Still feeling really self-conscious about the numbers on the scales so going with weight lost for now. I’ll join you all with sharing full stats when I’m feeling a bit braver. 12/3: -23 12/10: 12/17: 12/24: GW for December/2021: - 7lbs UGW: 165lbs My other goals for December: - Cycling at least 3 times…
  • Checking in for the end of November Age: 32 End of November To loose: 164 Current progress 3/12/21: 23 down Lost this month: 12lbs November goals: - To keep making progress despite all the family events involving cake (birthdays, anniversary’s etc). Aiming to say goodbye to another 7lbs. ✅ - To keep my sugar intake in a…
  • I’m contemplating a new bike. The one I had my eye on was $10,000 so crazy expensive and not at all realistic but it’s so pretty!! But perhaps something on that line, gravel bike aero design (one with a lower weight limit that I could not ride now). I like the idea of something that’s a reward but also keeps the ball…
  • Hey, so this is my first post. I had a massive weight loss journey about 10 years ago, kept it off over 2 years but then had some rough times and the weight piled on. I’m still coming to terms with the numbers on the scale so I am going to skip my actual current weight at the moment. I think your all amazing posting and I…
  • My mini goal at the moment is to fit into the jeans I have waiting. I am currently in some 18's (vanity sized) and I have 14's waiting for me. They fit in but are too tight to wear. I have had this "mini" goal for ages, but it is getting closer! Down 9kg, and expecting it to take at least another 7. But I can't wait!!
  • Just a little malt vinegar poured into the hole left by the seed.
  • I recommend making it. Try looking up recipes for tomato sauce or tomato relish. Once you get used to it being less sweet you start to appreciate the flavours more than the store bought stuff (which starts to taste too sweet and flavourless by comparison). Means you get a LOT less sodium too.
  • I love taking a punnet of raspberries or blueberries. As they can be expensive I don't buy them all that often, so it's a nice treat. Plus they work out a similar price to junk food even when out of season. So I get an awesome treat, guilt free!
  • Hey, I would suggest you try fish, it's super high in protein, lean healthy and full of omega 3. Almonds are good too (roasted almonds are the best carry around snack).
  • Thanks queenliz99, that's a great article.
  • There are some fantastic ideas here. Here's one that I sometimes use - delay. I promise myself that if I am still desperately craving that food tomorrow I can have it. Usually by tomorrow, the feelings have gone away and I no longer feel like I NEED it, and there is the sense of accomplishment of not having caved. It stops…