leasy1 Member


  • Well he isn't anymore!! I'm done.
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • That's great, you have a wonderful, supporting partner there and they seem to be rare. It is wonderful you are getting healthy for you. Reading your reply has put things into perspective, all the replies I have had yours has really gotten to me because I to love with everything I am, I to have a good heart and I to have…
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • I have had these conversations with him, over and over and he just sweeps everything under the carpet. I have replied to people who have responded. I asked a question and it went from there. He's not abusive?? No he's not physically abusive but what about mentally? Telling me he loves his ex, having photos of exs and none…
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • He absolutely loves his belly he gets it whenever he can giving it a big old hug and rub calling it his beer baby. Oh I would never say a thing, not just to him but anyone, obviously if it becomes a problem and health is suffering I would encourage any way I could.
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • I am not sure which conversation you are referring too, I have mentioned a few times during this thread is have said to him to move on and find someone he is more compatible with or who he really wants to be with. I agree with that, no one knows for sure how anyone really sees or feels about them but when someone does and…
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • Ummmm ok, forgiven I suppose. :) I don't blame you for not reading some woman drone on and on.
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • It is fine, I totally agree. That is why I said if I am not what he wants to find someone who is, I would rather be single and happy than with someone who doesn't want me only as domestic help. Funnily enough I said to him earlier I am going to stop doing everything see how he likes to live in the mess HE makes. Not…
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • Thank you!! :)
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • I haven't let myself go at all, I am in the same size clothes I was when I met him, I eat healthy and get out whenever I can to walk with our son but on the other hand he has, he is always being commented on about how big his belly has gotten. The difference between me and him is I never have or ever will comment, judge or…
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • See that's it, I treat him with respect, I do practically everything for him and I do believe he hasn't been treated like this before by anyone, not even his mother, so like I said before he sees me as the mother figure he's never had in his life and he doesn't see me as a partner, expecially not one he should respect and…
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • I know all this, I have been there before, I had it with my ex husband, I stayed for the children but when I did leave they was older but that made things worse. My 3rd child, at the time 15, blamed me for leaving, he was totally brain washed, things are still tender between us now and it breaks my heart. He really is not…
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • You're right, I need to love and accept myself first and foremost. I absolutely feel like I am trying so hard to be what he wants but I know i never will be, I am exhausted. Moving away would be very easy, I'd go back home which is 2 hours away from him.
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • Why are you still on this thread? Do you just go around being a *kitten* to everyone or are you only just interested in me and mine? Do you want to tell me i look nice? I have heard of people like you who pick on the one they fancy the most.......
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • You have hit the nail on the head, I am in fact called Lisa, I am good and I am smart. If I wasn't made to feel like I was ignored, insulted and actual fact graded and evaluated by him in a negative way then I might not want to seek a very small amount of his attention and be told once in a blue moon I am wanted and to be…
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • That's all I want, someone who loves and accepts me for who I am not what they feel I should look like. It's free love and acceptance cost nothing but it seems the hardest thing to get and you have asked for the world. You saying that about that poor lady reminded me of a very beautiful lady I know and she had quite a big…
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • I couldn't cut ties because we have a son together. Trust me after my vile ex husband and this one I have been put off relationships for life!!! I am a few years off 40 I don't want to just settle i want to settle down with some one who is mature enough to realise beauty is only skin deep, we all get older, our bodies…
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • He is very judgmental about people's appearances and I hate it, I have been judged about my appearance and it's not nice. I totally agree, he hasn't been emotionally involved in me and us. Like I said previously he had photos of his ex that he only got rid of last year ( we have been together 2 and a half years) he doesn't…
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • Are lady a little while ago said to me "I could do with losing weight but I suppose if they don't like me like this they are not going to like me thinner" i just thought that was a true statement and took it to mean being thinner doesn't make you a better person and doesn't change who you are. I just wondered if anyone…
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • I had her when I was very young, the best decision of my life!! <3
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • For the sake of sounding a bit dim here I don't get what you're saying. How I took it was he doesn't find me attractive but also finds my personality awful too that's why he is like how he is to me.
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • I know!! He hounded me until I agreed to have his child, I was done, I have a 24 year old a 18 year old a 17 year old, I had done my bit for the human race and he was like that I couldn't believe it, I could tell you about the birth but I am sure I would get called a liar or told I am over exaggerating. It is hard but I…
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • Oh he's brutally honest alright and I respect the honesty, I might not like it but I respect it.
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • I think most of my insecurities with him and my body stemmed while I was pregnant. He said he didn't find my body attractive and he couldn't touch me, it was just the worst time ever. I think that is why I only gained 9lb when I was pregnant because I thought a big belly I can't control but weight gain I could try to. I…
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • You call it over dramatisation I call it how I saw it shock, horror, disapproval. And forgive me for saying but I was there you wasn't. If I decide to see a therapist it will because I choose to not because you or anyone else says I should. Thank you for your concern. :)
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • It's more about me not being confident enough to wear them and when I walked in the room wearing them I had a look, an up and down kind of look, it was like the look said a hundred words. I mean that was me assuming it was a disapproving look he might of actually thought "phraww what a sexy beast" but the horror in the…
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • Well today I am shorts, yes shorts, I am never in shorts and it's not even hot, get me!!! I don't care if am me like it or lump it. If he don't like it he can bugger off and go happy hunting for a new woman and gawk all he likes. What's the worst that can happen we will separate and I will be a single parent, I have done…
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • Awww I like this post. I am not a man but I was a single parent for a while, just plodding along in life, happy as a pig in do dah, no ties, no one else to worry about other than my children, it was great. They got older, they needed me less and less, independence is a great thing to have until it comes to your children…
    in Single dads Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • I think it is the way forward. These issues will never go if I don't let go of them and I do think counselling will help me to do that. Like I said they are my issues not his. Poor fella I'm surprised he's put up with me for so long.
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017
  • Hahaha love it!!! Give him a few slaps across his bum over your lap for me too.
    in Body shame Comment by leasy1 July 2017