hamilton8560 Member


  • The book "low carbohydrate performance" removes the broscience statements as it backs up each claim with its own research studies on large groups of people, but for just the ketogenic approach. Mostly tested on obese people would be the fault but there is quite a bit on endurance athletes. Yea as you dig deeper into that…
  • Low fat diets below 20 percent also contribute to a lower testesterone level. Of course everyones hormones are different. The TEF of protein is much higher than fat and carbs but its also the least efficient energy source. High protein diets are effective for that reason but it also explains why you feel terrible on them.…
  • Yea im on carb nite thats a bio hack diet example, and power movements being metabolic is getting into bio hacking with exercise. The reason i would assume they increase metabolism is because they are dynamic exercises. Compound lifts have a good impact on metabolism in general, one obvious reason is when a muscle…
  • Well its hard to debate something without content if you dont know what bio hacking is at all where do we start
  • Applying sugar and fats effectively
  • Check out what i eat maybe
  • Lol yea costco's heavy whipping cream brand is unbelievable but thats an effective way for me to fit those calories in. As you can see its a struggle for me to maintain i have to shove it down at this point but my energy levels are stupid. If you look back u can see i started out a lot lower. Youll be able to figure out…
  • Go ultra low carb for 10 days, all carbs are converted to glucose, except fiber of course.
  • Calories in and calories out is a limited tool to describe how foods are affecting your body. Understanding the endocrine system and how foods impact it at different times of the day is the next level.
  • Dont need fiber
  • I do pure caffeine powder, i get mine for cheap out of powder city website
  • My refeed is twice a week now and its gotten stupid junky and heavy to maintain weight, i almost threw up last time
  • Absolutely man thanks i will look it up and get back to you. And yes the calories in calories out tool is such a blunt instrument, understanding the hormones is where the science is headed now finally!
  • Yea 1400 calories is really low man, id say be careful about coming down too far because of thyroid effects and testesterone as well. Also its a good idea for anyone to get into heavy resistence training.
  • Yea strict ketosis does a lot for cell regeneration type detox if you agree with the science that theortically states that carbohydrates are toxic to the body in general. But they also stimulate a lot of anabolic hormones that continue to drop during nutritional ketosis as your body becomes more efficient at using…
  • I know man its counter intuitive. Im 27, 5'7. 169 lbs today. I log my weight everyday
  • The glute machine is a lot of knee extension anyway. Glute bridges really effective and easy. Deadlifting roperly will be a lot more of a hip extension as well.
  • Most people have over active quads from having flexed knees in the seated position all day. Experiment with rollers on your quads before a workout to relax them
  • I got insane results off of it, and had to add another carb nite because i was losing weight too effectively and now ive progressively raised my calorie intake from 1900 to 3000 a day on high fat days and 5000 on carb nites, still lost 2 pounds this last week so i have to go higher again. Add me and you can see i logged…
  • Is it advantageous to consume high glycemic carbs after a workout... yes. Is it good to consume them with at the same time with fats, no. Donuts are high in both fats and carbs not only will your body preferentially select the carbs for energy and store the fat. It will dull the amount of spike the sugars and grain will…
  • Theres many diets out there obviously a lot of them go off of the RDA guidelines, but there are quite a few others that can create opportunities for you to use foods you may like personally to create the results youre looking for and most importantly stay committed. Im a sweet junkie so i found one that fit me really…
  • Yea it is but i started out at 1900 everyday to maintain, added frequency and volume to my heavy lifting. Progressive overloading and logging every workout. And its just had to go up because my body is constantly trying to lose weight and im sure if i allowed it to i could be a lot leaner but i just dont want to weight 150…
  • I eat the *kitten* out of donuts at night twice a week
  • Yea ive been on carb nite since june. I have been doing two carb nites a week for the past 5 weeks, because i wasnt comfortable going below 165lbs at 5'7. I documented everything and i was really fat just a few months ago, if its not something you want to pursue and u have something else working then thats great. I was…
  • Lol i have no affiliation with the website other than i was able to see a lot of progress here and i thought it was something people would be interested in if they had similar issues with the flawed approach of 6 meals a day and flavorless food all day. Eventually falling off the wagon and gaining weight back
  • Well done sir, i lost 30 lbs in 5 weeks on ketogenic and i believe effectively contributed to my huge increase soccer skills