therezeal Member


  • I save my money by not using any. I spend my money food instead. But that is just me, I've been through the whole use every supplement I can phase. There were days, were I would I would pop pills in the morning, at lunch pre-workout, have a stuff for post workout, then more before bed. Now, I fast in the morning, and eat…
  • I follow the MAPS program designed by MindPump. Basically full body workout workout 3 days a week, with 2 days of light/trigger workouts. I take 2 days off a week, however I sometimes fill one of these days with a lifting day. I don't do cardio often, no more then 10 minutes a day, 3-5 days a week. BTW: MindPump is a…
  • Listen to your body. Take a day or two off and rest. You won't lose any gains by not working out. You should rest versus allowing yourself to not recover from your illness. I usually never workout if I am sick, I want my body to fully recover so if that means taking day or two off, that is what I do.