ianecock Member


  • Yes I agree not healthy or sustainable but my end game is 215 so I can get hired for a job.. Once I get to 215 and get hired I will assume a more normal/sustainable routine, but I need to get income coming in. I was just laid off, that is the reason I'm taking such drastic measures.
  • * yes I am weighing my food, looking up the nutritional values online and using the most conservative numbers. * I am exercising twice daily at least an hour each time (sometimes 3x a day). Generally I burn closer to 4k but I will get close to 5 every few days..
  • Ditto what @CurlyCockney said. No one is going to tell you how to do something so unreasonable and unhealthy. But, just out of curiosity....what happens if you don't lose the weight in 10 days? [/quote] Yes, I realize that it not healthy and I do not recommend that anyone take such drastic measures but my situation is…
  • I know it's not healthy or wise, but I just got laid off and in order to get another job I need to be at 215 pounds. Right now the end game is weight loss any way possible. I've got about 14 days to get down to 215 pounds or I don't have a job.
  • OK, I've seen everyone post "if you burn more than you eat you lose weight". I'm at the point where I'm not losing any weight, I'm gaining. I've been on a 14-1500 calorie diet for two weeks and I've lost about 15 pounds. I stepped on the scale two days ago and was at 223.4, today I was at 225.5. I work out at least two…