Jagzfan Member


  • Eat your salad and add avocado or other healthy fats to it. You could add meat strips to add protein. I have what I call "the kitchen sink salad" at almost every dinner I eat. It usually runs @ 20 g carbs give or take a few. However, I usually only eat once a day and sometimes not at all, depending on my glucose readings.
  • The Obesity Code by Jason Fong, Why We Get Fat by Taubes, Keto Clarity by Jimmy Moore and Eric Westman, are some of my favorites.
  • I like Suzanne Ryan's book Simply Keto. The recipes are generally quick and easy to prepare. A great book to start Keto with.
  • Right now I am fasting, so I'm not following anything. I guess you could say I'm on a water diet. At the end of the month I will be doing Keto. I have followed Keto before but I fell in the " add some carbs" hole and found myself with the SAD lifestyle. This time I know that I have to keep my carbs to 20 g or less to be…