rickmanchristiana Member


  • I'd like counseling, but no insurance. I've always liked to talk about these kinds of things with people who are in the same boat or have been anyways.
  • Yes definitely, I'd like that :) I have back problems too, herniated disk in my lower back. My core and back are incredibly weak from pregnancy and not working out and made it so much worse. I'd love to have a buddy in this.
  • The weight loss aspect I know will only work and stick if I eat right and exercise after the fast is done. Ive read up on ketosis, and muscle sparing while fasting. Still doing more reading tonight and looking up more doctors studies and reviews. But so far what I've read is that as long as u don't do it too long, no…
  • There are actual research centers just for fasting and doctors that specialize in fasting, that's where I've been. Reading alot about it. I wouldn't do anything that would hurt myself.