bwendel5210 Member


  • all of the above - a shower that's more than 5 minutes, doing hair & makeup (even for work), and exercising. I haven't done anything other than walk the dogs since July 7, 2015. I went into the hospital the next day. I just can't put him in the gym daycare after he's already been in daycare for 10 hours during the day.…
  • I'm down 1 since the last weigh in (which is good considering memorial day & my birthday were in there). Total lost = 5 pounds in 3 weeks.
  • Baby boy will be 11 months on Thursday! He's BF'd with solids. I gained 46 with him, lost 20 immediately, and then gained 40 while I was on leave. I had to do LowCarb to get pregnant (insulin resistant/PCOS) and I'm back on low carb so we can (hopefully) add another little to our family!
  • I read an article a few months ago about how it's good to go bra-less for a few hours each day while you're awake. Its supposed to help toxins move through and out of your lymphatic system. I"ll see if I can find the link. I'm bra-free at home and overnight even though I'm still bf-ing my (almost) 11 month old.
  • MedicJohnson --- I also have PCOS and we TTC'd 3 years. I had to keep my NET carbs under 20 for about 3 months before we could get pregnant. It was hard but he was SOOOO worth it! I lost 20 pounds and 18.5 inches (from all over) during those 3 months. Wishing you the best!
  • I have an (almost) 11 month old little boy. I gained 40 during pregnancy, lost 20 immediatly when I had him, and then gain 30 while I was on maternity leave. It took forever for my milk to fully come in (due to some really awful advice from nurses, pedi, etc.) so I was eating lactation cookies and oatmeal like crazy. I'm…