PCOS and Weight Loss



  • lisas11222
    lisas11222 Posts: 16 Member
    The right ovary was slightly bulky but with less follicles (cysts) in it. The technician said to me anything over 12 they say shows signs of polycystic ovarian syndrome.

    For your best interest, I sincerely hope your doctor doesn't use this baseline as a methodology for PCOS diagnosis. I had PCOS for 4 years before I showed any 'cysts' on my ovaries. Yes, it was more of a best effort diagnosis from my doctor through various tests including hormone tests and a variety of symptoms that pointed right to PCOS. But, low and behold, the cysts showed up. Symptoms of PCOS can some time scream louder than actual cysts. In all that time I denied it and didn't make any changes, and well, as you can imagine, I'm paying for ignoring my doctors.
  • mommybehealthy
    mommybehealthy Posts: 29 Member
    @lenles81 you are definitely not alone. PCOS is a constant struggle. Hopefully you will find some great resources through MFP. It's been absolutely wonderful for me especially with keeping up my motivation.
    @chrisnurse77 how is your diet going thus far? I hope all is well! Keep up the awesome work!
    @equeen1801 welcome! I was told that I wouldn't get preggo without fertility meds, but I was able to, so anything is possible! I've read lots of stories from boards of women doing just that with their diet and exercise, while it's MUCH harder for us, it's definitely possible!!
    @uptowngirl852 that's amazing!! You've done a fantastic job, and I can totally understand about your health being a full time job :) You are 100% right in that we should treat our health like an important job!
    @LindzMiche that's amazing! you've done an awesome job and definitely an inspiration!!
  • crazycatgirl22
    crazycatgirl22 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey there, I also have pcos and hypo thyroid. It's not fun!
  • mommybehealthy
    mommybehealthy Posts: 29 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hi Crazycatgirl, No it's no fun at all. My sister is hypo thyroid as well as a few of my friends, and I know the struggles there are huge. Also , having PCOS on top :( There's an abundance of support on MFP, I love this site!
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    I have (my doctor says had since I haven't had a cyst in over a year and my hormones have even out) PCOS and lost 125 pounds. I took the birth control route since I found out at 14, which I think made it easier to lose weight with PCOS.
  • mommybehealthy
    mommybehealthy Posts: 29 Member
    Amazing! I just recently started back on birth control and it seems to definitely be helping. That's awesome that you've lost so much!! Keep up the great work!
  • MedicJohnson88
    MedicJohnson88 Posts: 18 Member
    I have pcos. Trying to lose weight and have kids. We've been trying for almost 11 years. Seems I'm destined to never be a mother. So deep depression considering almost all of my friends are popping kids out almost every month. Trying to cope and loose 100 lbs just trying to stay above water
  • bwendel5210
    bwendel5210 Posts: 6 Member
    MedicJohnson ---
    I also have PCOS and we TTC'd 3 years. I had to keep my NET carbs under 20 for about 3 months before we could get pregnant. It was hard but he was SOOOO worth it! I lost 20 pounds and 18.5 inches (from all over) during those 3 months. Wishing you the best!
  • mommybehealthy
    mommybehealthy Posts: 29 Member
    @MedicJohnson88 I wish you the best of luck. Losing with PCOS is definitely an uphill battle. The extra added stress of it definitely doesn't help with TTC. Keep up the good work and know that you are not alone in your fight!

    @Bwendel5210 that's awesome that you were able to lose 20lbs and 18.5 inches. That's definitely quite an accomplishment!
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    edited June 2016
    aceness123 wrote: »
    Hi everyone ! I'm really happy to see this thread ! I was diagnosed with pcos when I was 15, my weight was mostly fine but after I hit 18 it just started going up and not going down like at all. I plan on losing 45 lbs (hopefully)

    After lots of research I really recommend the AIP diet for people like me who have food sensitivity or allergies and also to people that have auto immune disorders. You can take my word that it really helps. My sister is gluten intolerant and also suffers from auto immune disorders , she and I did the change together and it helped to reduce inflammation in our body as well as reduce our migranes (which was a godsend).

    Oh I do have one question for anyone willing to answer .. my doctor recommended metformin, but she also said there was no harm if I dont take it. So now im confused should I take the pills or should I just wait until I need them? And if so.. when do I know if I need them ?

    I was on Metformin, but it didn't do anything. It's different for each person I suppose, but I found a great doctor who told me metformin wasn't even being used anymore for PCOS and put me on birth control instead. Since then I've finally started having periods regularly and have been experiencing less pain as well.

    idk i disagree about birth control being the solution... its just a bandaid so to speak if you ask me.