brenda_men Member


  • I hate autocorrect. I meant blame.
  • Im from Texas also. Now we are drowning with so much rain. Whoever complained about the heat i vlame it on you.
  • I've personally done low carb. Wouldn't recommend it. Low energy and no muscle gains. You do get lean though. So now I do carb cycling. Workout days I stick to my carb goals and no workout days I do low carb, high fat and protein. So far so good. I feel much better. Stick to complex carbs like oats, sweet potato, high…
  • Oats a thousand different ways. To me oats are like ice cream. I make: 1 cup fat free fair life milk 1/2 cup organic quick oats 1/2 banana 4 strawberries sliced 1/2 Tbs. Chia seeds 1 Tbs sliced almonds 1/2 Tbs shredded dried coconut Recipe 2 Same amount oats and milk but I add: 1 Tbs cacao powder 1 Tbs. Peanut butter 1/2…
  • I had really bad reflux due to H. Pilori. I had treatment for it three times and I coild.never get rid of it. So I started changing my diet. This bacteria feeds on sugar and refined flour. So for six months I did no sugar, no flour. I bought a probiotic and started using coconut oil and coconut water since it kills H.…
  • Coconut oil is good because I helps with gut health. Its kills yeast overgrowth and the very often, suffered by many people with reflux, H. Pylori. I actually like it in my coffee but i wont use it every day, I'd rather cook with coconut oil.Its just not a trend there are actually many health benefits.
  • Protein shake. And lots of water.
  • I'm 5'3 and currently 125 lbs. I'm working on building muscle but get full with food really fast. My problem is undereating. I'm at 23% body fat but will like to bring it down. What are some high protein snacks other than protein shake and cottage cheese that you use?I do weightlifting three times a week for 1 hr. 30 min.…
  • Crunchy rice rollers
  • There are a ton of modification if machines are taken. Use resistance band and free weights. Plus free weights challenge other muscle groups as well and you can do compound body movements. I never stick to static gym equipment.
  • That's a lot of calories!!!! But you are tall so the more muscle you have the more calories you burn. I use a chest strap heart rate monitor much more accurate.
  • I'm using a polar chest strap heart rate monitor and I burn 200 calories per hour for lifting during the work out. Im pretty sure I burn more 24 hrs. After that.
  • I use the polar chest strap heart rate monitor just to keep track on my high intensity training aiming at 75% of my heart rate capacity since I only do 30 Min two times a week for fat burn with out loosing muscle mass. So far it's the best for accuracy.