1Basia Member


  • Just tell her you enjoyed reconnecting and hope you two can stay in touch (then make sure to follow through).
    in Lunch date Comment by 1Basia June 2016
  • Originally from Texas, but currently live in Arizona.
  • I'm looking for motivational friends too. I particularly am looking for those willing to Share their logs too. I believe it will help in giving each other food and meal ideas as well as keep us accountable. Yes, even when we fall off our good intention wagons and eat what we should not.
  • I'm looking for motivational friends too. I particularly am looking for those willing to Share their logs too. I believe it will help in giving each other food and meal ideas as well as keep us accountable. Yes, even when we fall off our good intention wagons and eat what we should not.
  • Love my Blaze <3