I just got a horizon. Its a pretty decent machine. I did have to loosen the belt to put the oil on but it was really easy to do and to get back in place properly. The biggest problem I have with it the app it’s suppose to pair with doesn’t work but if you don’t want to use it for that it doesn’t matter much
How aboot that, eh!! Hehehe 👍👍 I’ve always been terrible at curling lol
I really liked altered carbon too. You get different things out of watching a second time then the first time too.
Haha I did indeed, I’m a bit of a ‘craft dork’ on top of my nerdness lol. Totally adorable. Love it 😍
The new god of war is definitely good. They definitely stepped up from ‘just’ the hack and slash but without wrecking the feel of the game that makes god of war a classic
Deadlifts are my favourite too
I recently (6 months ago) went dairy free (for certain reasons) it wasn’t actually for me but I noticed I feel WAY better since I have, so even when I don’t ‘have’ to anymore I think I’m going to stay dairy free. It’s a little hard at first (there is dairy in ALOT of stuff) but once you get the hang of it and know where it…
Are you actually saying that none of the other life on this planet matters or has value?
I have two strategies, one not have it around to worry about it. Or two have a small amount to get the overwhelming urge of “I have to have it, off my brain” and just account for it in my daily goal.
Starting my mini early lol
Punch stuff
Fallout 76 in November.
Heck yes, another of my favourites. It’s on my list to play through again 👍😂, looking forward to the new fallout that’s coming out, and red dead redemption 😃😃
OMG I love him!!! He’s totally a Dobby
Definitely agree with this
I’ve had 4 and lost the weight after the first 3, currently working on losing the weight from baby 4, add me if you’d like 🙂
This was me too but I watched a couple episodes not just the first one, I mean it’s ok, there’s some dark humour moments but I’ve found it to be mostly Meh so far, not horrible, not great. You want a show with some good old fashioned violence and that will keep you interested to sit and watch I highly recommend “Peaky…
They use them differently. I know personally I can totally tell the difference between the new coke blends and the one they use for coke 0
Excellent lol 👍😂 Dobby is the best
Skyrim, ghost recon, Assassins origins (that game is insane huge for content and I’ve been playing for months and not even close to being done lol), borderlands, gears of war, these are just some of my favourites, I’ve played A LOT more (probably 90% of the big releases for ps lol), a mix of console and computer, not so…
I’m a mama of 4 little ankle biters myself. On the road to lose the baby weight... AGAIN 😂😬. Feel free to add me if you’d like to 🙂
I’m mostly a game nerd, havent done any cosplay nerding lol, and some tv and movie nerding
Cheesecake 😜
This would make me sad, I like my small dainty fingers lol.
Hahaha yes. I love you 😂😂😂
After workout massage 💆😁
When I did alternate day the first 2 weeks I lost big, then after that. It was a steady 2 pounds a week almost exactly.
I would probably consider myself a mini-nerd lol. I’ve got some definite nerd going on 😁
I feel like I should quote this to my mom, she refuses to take pictures and I’m scared that once she’s gone I will literally not have any photos of her 😪😢 I guess I’ve never been totally comfortable in my own skin. There’s always something I wish was different but I know when I’m around a certain point (my normal me I call…
We all have that one thing we can’t be sensible about even if we know we should know better 😂😂 I definitely have mine too 😬