I'm starting tomorrow! Add me if you'd like; we can support each other!! :)
You're awesome. You can do anything. Thank you!
hehehe, oh he has >:)
Update? Well, it's day 7 since I declared I was done. I had one slip two nights ago -- the cravings were insane. I felt like I was coming out of my skin. I got weak and drove to the gas station at 2am and bought a tall boy. Downed half of it in two gulps, and instantly got pissed at myself. So I dumped the other half down…
Good for you! Cutting back is hard as well, you're doing awesome!
Thank you for your concern! I'm on day 6 and it's not easy. But I'm hanging in there.
haha, right?! Luckily I don't like chocolate. I've lost 4.3 pounds in the last week! :) Thank you!
Not too bad. Have a killer headache and REALLY craving this morning, so I'm going on a hike. :)
I appreciate your kind words. I'm prepared for any withdrawal symptoms. Thank you!
You're absolutely amazing, thank you for all of your words, help and insight. It truly means a lot!
THANK YOU! All your insights are greatly appreciated :)
Thank you! My plan for tonight is to go for a walk as soon as I start craving. I got rid of all the booze in the house, and will focus on drinking lots of fizzy water with fruit in it (which I love). And my husband is staying home from work tonight (he works graveyard) to help me. :)
My plan this week, and probably today, is to go find a group. Thank you both, I'm nervous about it but have heard amazing things. So we'll see :)
Congratulations on 12 weeks! No, I haven't joined an AA group yet. This week I will.
Thank you, @nutmegoreo. I met with my doc on Friday, so I know what to expect for the most part. I appreciate your concen :)
@OlyCapitalChick, I'm sorry about your friend. I understand and see how hard it can be to go from where I am to where it sounds like your friends is. I hope they can save themselves before it gets to be too late. Truly. Thank you.
Thank you all for your kind words. It really and truly means a lot. Up until a few minutes ago, my husband was the only one that knew. I don't think my 12-year-old son even knows -- I wait to start drinking every night until he's asleep, even if that means I'm up until 3am. I have to say, I feel a little less shaken…
Melanie, Caldwell Idaho :)
34 here! Add me! :)