Msshoregirl Member


  • I have been on wellbutrin topamax and vyvanse. I have a dosage that works. Lost 8lbs this month and now I started New Directions because my binge eating is gone and my appetite is surpressed and I wasn't eating right, nor healthy. I needed a start on healthy weight loss, not starvation with occasional m&ms and cereal. Day…
  • Can't do 1200. Upped to 1400 and managing better but it is still a struggle.
  • The older you get the harder it gets. I told my daughter, who is in her early 20s to get moving and she will lose weight fast and easy. I am in my 50s now and it is impossible. 4X at the gym, 14-1500 cal diet. I barely lose 2/10ths of a lb a week. One salty thing and it all comes back. I have an appt with a dietitian next…