miconsumafuoco Member


  • Small one: I've noticed lately that I can't rest my elbow comfortably on my thigh anymore while driving even with my knee hiked all the way up. It's too low now because my legs are smaller and not enough cushion anymore around the waist area to just rest on myself, if that makes sense. The seat belt also fits properly now…
  • I've got another funny one: So my allergies have been acting up the past couple days and my nose has been running. On my long drive to work I realized that I was not going to make it to the office without blowing my nose first, so I reached in my glove box for my handy stack of fast food napkins. Ever since I've had my own…
  • Absolutely makes sense! I started dieting this year to try to slim down and was very successful in a short time on the Atkins diet, Phase 1. Of course this is not a phase that is supposed to keep going, but I already looked so different and got so many astonished remarks and excited encouragement that I wanted to keep it…
  • I was in a funk for a few weeks due to feeling sick and many things in my life felt like they were just slipping into an uncontrollable feeling of defeat. House cleaning, work stress from being out, wanting to move to a better house/city, feeling isolated in this small town away from my family and friends. The only thing I…
  • I've got a recent funny one - There's this one toilet at work that's loose from the wall and would squeak whenever I sat on it like it was crying for mercy, but recently I noticed that when I sit on it, it doesn't say a peep! LOL
  • I'm at the crossroads of this place in my journey at the moment. So far this year I've lost 40 pounds and last year 18 more. I've been shopping in the plus size section almost all of my adult and high school life. This year, I was so excited about losing weight that I was just really happy to go back to the same store and…
  • My diary is open. Lately my mom has been in town, and I've been sick, so the last week or so has not been the best, but I'm still losing and usually have a pretty good diary to show. Hopefully be back to my usual eating soon :)
  • I made an awesome chicken soup that was a lot of food and very filling. It had chicken breast, (less calories if it's boneless and skinless but more flavor on the bone) garlic cloves, cabbage, onion, canned corn and a can of Rotel. If you don't need the corn, it's even less calories.
  • Fit Kitchen is AWESOME! I love them! I only eat the ones with less than 400 calories for lunch bc I like a big dinner :) You can friend me and look at my food diary if you want to see the stats on the ones I have found. Can't wait for them to have more variety! The healthy choice steamers are pretty good but you have to…
  • I didn't know anything about buying a scale but luckily got something that works well from Walmart for $15 http://www.walmart.com/ip/Mainstays-Slim-Digital-Kitchen-Scale/49927625?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222228037926929&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=90376024232&wl4=&wl5=pla&wl6=182513198912&veh=sem It does both…
  • I found this too! It's pretty good and with my scale I can adjust to have a full serving or just a handful or so to get have a crunchy salty treat. Hits the spot!
  • I just had 3 Mission extra thin corn tortillas 120 calories, 1/2 cup of mashed Ranch Style beans with jalapeño slices 140 calories, 4oz Great Value canned chicken breast 90 calories, and salsa/Sriracha for about 15 calories. Total 365. You could add a salad or other toppings and try to keep it under 400 calories. This was…
  • Sorry, I started Googling what puppodums were right away and I guess I glazed over the name... lol Thanks, I'll see if I can get my hands on some! I might also try the Dorito popcorn but without the nutritional yeast.
  • Do you mind telling me the brand you get, especially the one that's spicy? Would these be sturdy enough to to be like a tostada? To hold like mashed beans and shredded chicken?
  • Thank you so much for updating us! Happy anniversary!
  • Wow! Beautiful before AND after pics! Big difference though!!!
  • I'm new to MFP and was freaked out by my first friend request bc I didn't know them lol but I've learned on here that there are some really cool people that are super motivated and supportive. Sent you a request :smiley:
  • It DID hurt bc I am new and everyone else has been so nice, positive, helpful. And I was worried that the OP got a bad first impression of MFP. To boot "someone" flagged my comment as abuse the next day and I was even more hurt, and angry. I saw on here you can try to take it off, but can't on my phone so will have to try…
  • I got my Quest chips today! They're awesome! 21 grams of protein! :smiley:
  • Being new to MFP I didn't realize how touchy the community can be about the term "starvation mode. " A large man (350 lbs) that was also new here, as well as new to dieting and nutrition in general, asked for help as a beginner and said he was trying to start off doing 1200 calories a day. (From drinking 3 liters of soda a…
  • I don't how often Ramadan comes along, but at least this way you can try to plan for the next one, learn from this (small) misstep and be more prepared next time. That's a positive gain! If this is a life-long change, then making progress in any way is a win. Progress not perfection!! :smiley:
  • Thank you for sharing. I hope your journey to health begins with this weight loss and eventually joins with a path to positive self-esteem, self-acceptance, peace and happiness. Abuse from others in childhood and abuse from yourself in adulthood have made getting here more difficult and painful, but you've had to be a…
  • I used the Katch-McArdle formula to calculate my TDEE. http://www.burnthefatinnercircle.com/members/Katch-McArdle-Calorie-Calculator-For-Men-And-Women.cfm You need to know your body fat percentage to use it. I have been weighing myself with a digital bathroom scale that measures body fat for several weeks so had a pretty…
  • I agree. Also, I would find ANY percentage drop in my metabolism to be a negative point. (A fact pointed out even by this highly opinionated article.) As far as holding onto calories, a drop in metabolism means burning less calories, excess calories are usually stored as fat. I think this man is looking for friendly,…
  • I read that in the book, and a quick search of WebMD basically says the same thing: http://www.m.webmd.com/diet/tc/weight-loss-by-limiting-calories-topic-overview Maybe I misunderstand what you disagree with?
  • It's important to do something sustainable bc if you go into starvation mode, not only will you be more likely to give up all together, but you body will believe you're starving and hold onto to the calories you eat even more, slowing down your current metabolism. It may not slow down as drastically as others with less…
  • These are excellent suggestions! Plus picking the ones with good protein will also keep you fuller longer. Avocado does something positive for your insulin that helps regulate blood sugar and eat less. (Dr. Oz article) And coconut oil is AMAZING! http://www.m.webmd.com/diet/features/coconut-oil-and-health
  • You eat a whole jar of peanut butter a day? AND do 6 HOURS on the treadmill?? Wow, you must really love peanut butter!! Lol Now that's commitment! :)
  • The Quest Chips look amazing!!! Thanks to all who suggested those :) I just ordered a box of 8 for about $20 with shipping. Live in the middle of nowhere so yeah lol Can't wait to try them! I also got a big jar of my favorite Best Maid dill pickles, thanks for that too. I also got some Cheez-Its in single serving little…
  • I'm in the same boat. I still have a lot of weight to lose, so for now I think focusing on keeping my calorie deficit should be priority. However, I'm curious to know if there will ever be any kind of exercise I enjoy. I love tennis, but that requires a partner and I have no one to play with. I moved to a small town in the…