kwlaparo Member


  • I'm not a nutrition expert or anything, but I know that at least for me, raw veganism sounds really unsustainable in general, and especially if you want to have a social life. The advice I'd give to most people is to pick something that you can actually sustain. Veganism with cooked food is definitely doable for most and…
  • This person's got it covered, so I'll only add that my husband and I both went vegan and two very different approaches worked for us. For me, I didn't need any of the meat-replacement or egg-replacement stuff. It helped me to take the advice above and just go back to the basics that every grocery store in the country will…
  • For some balance here, cutting out eggs helped me lower my high cholesterol and my doctor is happy with the difference it made. I haven't eaten them in over a year and now I think they're kinda gross. You know, bird menstruation and all that...
  • I recommend plain soy protein isolate powder since it's free of other fillers/sweeteners and gives you the best bang for your buck. I blend it up in smoothies or add it to oatmeal. Beans are your best friend, but it seems like you already know that. Repeat after me: TOFU, SEITAN, TEMPEH. All delicious. All high protein.…