budahjaayde Member


  • I need to loose 32 lbs I am always starting a diet and after a few days or 3-4 lbs I fall off.. my biggest problem is I loose motivation and I do not exercise.. I would really like to be part of this group .. I am hoping it will help me stay motivated.. .
  • I need to loose 30lbs ... I have been struggling for over a year. I lost about 50 lbs but have lost motivation.. my biggest problem is snacking at night .. trying to work on this and eat healthier.. this has not been an easy journey
  • I have 30 -35 lbs to loose. I have used mfp in the past with great success. However since my last child (one year ago) I have been struggling to loose the weight. my biggest problem is motivation. I know it is not impossible and would be quite easy if I just stick with it!!! add me :smile: !!