
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    I think I need a jump start....between being on vacation and traveling for work the last 2 weeks I almost feel like I'm restarting. No I haven't gained any weight (yay!), but I just feel like even before these 2 weeks the loss has really slowed down and I'm not tracking as strictly as I was earlier. I've been in a cycle of gaining then losing the same few lbs with a slight net loss in the right direction. But I'm ready to see a more consistent downward trend.

    I've got to recommit to tracking EVERYTHING, and earlier on I really tried to stay within 1200-1300 calories and not really eat exercise calories back....but now I'm eating some back. And before I was better about cooking at home, but I have gotten back in the habit of eating out more again due to convenience. Even though it fits into my calories based on the stated amounts, but you just never know exactly with portions. With that and not tracking consistently I think I've probably been eating more than I think.

    I'm ready to get it done! Yes this is a lifestyle change, and I have developed some great healthy habits that will remain forever, but I don't want to be in the weight loss phase of this change forever....if that makes any sense. For so long it's been oh let's get to 10 lbs lost, oh let's work on the next 10 lbs, or focus on going down to the next size.....there's always another goal. I'm just ready to be at a place where the focus is just to maintain.
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    wahagent05 wrote: »
    happy to report that I've lost 29 of my 30 pounds :smiley:

    let us know how you lost the weight! I'm sure that it will be beneficial for someone!!!! :) Thanks for posting!

    I haven't done anything special, just eating within my given calorie deficit. and only logging half of my exercise minutes so that I only eat back half of my exercise calories.
  • TnTWalter
    TnTWalter Posts: 345 Member
    hello. i have about 22 lbs to go i think...i've upped my weight training to 6 days a week [from 3-4] and lessened my cardio to HIIT runs [only 20 mins] 3 x per week, piyo and a brisk 3+mile walk another day. started trying to hit my macros [hard]...but have lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks....woo hoo. the key is logging and facing the scale [i tend to not weigh myself for weeks at a time when i'm not doing well...]
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    I think I need a jump start....between being on vacation and traveling for work the last 2 weeks I almost feel like I'm restarting. No I haven't gained any weight (yay!), but I just feel like even before these 2 weeks the loss has really slowed down and I'm not tracking as strictly as I was earlier. I've been in a cycle of gaining then losing the same few lbs with a slight net loss in the right direction. But I'm ready to see a more consistent downward trend.

    I've got to recommit to tracking EVERYTHING, and earlier on I really tried to stay within 1200-1300 calories and not really eat exercise calories back....but now I'm eating some back. And before I was better about cooking at home, but I have gotten back in the habit of eating out more again due to convenience. Even though it fits into my calories based on the stated amounts, but you just never know exactly with portions. With that and not tracking consistently I think I've probably been eating more than I think.

    I'm ready to get it done! Yes this is a lifestyle change, and I have developed some great healthy habits that will remain forever, but I don't want to be in the weight loss phase of this change forever....if that makes any sense. For so long it's been oh let's get to 10 lbs lost, oh let's work on the next 10 lbs, or focus on going down to the next size.....there's always another goal. I'm just ready to be at a place where the focus is just to maintain.

    The next phase is even harder I've heard....
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    wahagent05 wrote: »
    happy to report that I've lost 29 of my 30 pounds :smiley:

    let us know how you lost the weight! I'm sure that it will be beneficial for someone!!!! :) Thanks for posting!

    I haven't done anything special, just eating within my given calorie deficit. and only logging half of my exercise minutes so that I only eat back half of my exercise calories.

    Thank you for sharing! Plz keep us updated of any changes....big or small....positive or negative...all info will be useful! :)
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    Cindynando wrote: »
    I'm getting started. 30 lbs to lose to reach goal

    Let's get going! What are you doing to kick start your journey to thinner & healthier?
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    I think I need a jump start....between being on vacation and traveling for work the last 2 weeks I almost feel like I'm restarting. No I haven't gained any weight (yay!), but I just feel like even before these 2 weeks the loss has really slowed down and I'm not tracking as strictly as I was earlier. I've been in a cycle of gaining then losing the same few lbs with a slight net loss in the right direction. But I'm ready to see a more consistent downward trend.

    I've got to recommit to tracking EVERYTHING, and earlier on I really tried to stay within 1200-1300 calories and not really eat exercise calories back....but now I'm eating some back. And before I was better about cooking at home, but I have gotten back in the habit of eating out more again due to convenience. Even though it fits into my calories based on the stated amounts, but you just never know exactly with portions. With that and not tracking consistently I think I've probably been eating more than I think.

    I'm ready to get it done! Yes this is a lifestyle change, and I have developed some great healthy habits that will remain forever, but I don't want to be in the weight loss phase of this change forever....if that makes any sense. For so long it's been oh let's get to 10 lbs lost, oh let's work on the next 10 lbs, or focus on going down to the next size.....there's always another goal. I'm just ready to be at a place where the focus is just to maintain.

    It is definitely frustrating to gain and lose the same lbs repeatedly! Once you reach this step, i think the hardest part is to be consistent and disciplined! If you can maintain through the ups and downs of the scale until you surpass your goal it will then become easier!
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member

  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    edited June 2016
    Greetings Everyone!
    This is a quick update to inform everyone that i am now working 2 jobs and i just don't have the extra time to reply to EVERY POST...EVERYDAY... so therefore i have asked my dear friend and fellow AWESOME SUPPORTER 1THEQUEENB to be my assistant, and to help answer any questions that you may have & to reply to any comments that you may leave...she will be doing so ON MY BEHALF! She has been with me since day one of starting this group, and I have no doubt that she will respond to each member respectfully, and appropriately!
    If you need a direct response from me, plz feel free to inbox me at any time!
    I will still be monitoring the group and posting some comments and images so plz don't wory i am here if you need me! :)<3<3

  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    I have 40...add me!!
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    It seems like everyone is either busy or distracted. Kids are out of school and schedules are changing. Does anyone have any fun summer plans? What are you all doing to continue on your weight loss journey? Does anyone have any summer recipes to share? I love going to the beach or going to a great bbq and spending time with friends and family!
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    I haven't figured out what I'm gonna do with my kids, probably lots of visits to the beach and pool, and maybe a staycation...I plan to run in the mornings at least 3x/week, spinning classes, body pump...roller blading...anything outside...I'll try to limit my carb intake also...not eliminate but reduce....
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    Good morning everyone! No matter how your week went, perfect or not, today is a great day to get back in track. I wasn't perfect this week but I'm renewing my commitment again, no matter how many times I fall. I just finished a great run and I'm on my way to the gym for weights. I like using Saturday and Sunday to catch up on my calorie burn! Have a great weekend!!!
  • wahagent05
    wahagent05 Posts: 446 Member
    Hello All !!! My plans are to continue on my LCHF journey! My goal is to lower my carbs to below 20 on a daily basis so that i can stay in ketosis! I may not be able to walk each day, but i do get in a lot of walking at work, so hopefully that will make up for what i will be missing!

    My new goal is to lose an additional 10-15 lbs by August! So far i have loss 3 lbs within the last 8 days! Yippeeeee!!!
    I learned through trial and error, that it is always best to stick to what you KNOW works for you!!!!

    Last...I plan to enjoy my lil ones this summer! A lot of water fun and cookouts!
  • SamBibbs
    SamBibbs Posts: 2 Member
    wahagent05 wrote: »

    Let's do this together! I have trouble adding exercising to my morning routine.
  • SamBibbs
    SamBibbs Posts: 2 Member
    wahagent05 wrote: »
    wahagent05 wrote: »

    I also need someone who can help me staying on track.
  • budahjaayde
    budahjaayde Posts: 3 Member
    I need to loose 30lbs ... I have been struggling for over a year. I lost about 50 lbs but have lost motivation.. my biggest problem is snacking at night .. trying to work on this and eat healthier.. this has not been an easy journey
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    A new week, so a fresh start! I've been eating out a lot lately, so my goal this week is to get back to cooking dinner at home. I still have about 3 lbs to hit 40 lbs lost, but then I still have at least 30 or more to go.