If you want to change the way your body is shaped, do weight training. Build muscles. It works. But reschereach the exercises your going to do so that you build the muscles that you want.
Work out at home if I can't go out or don't wanna go out. I search for new work out ideas then to do at home and do it 👊
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You can add me if you like. Komo may be right but sometimes that extra boost is nice or to feel like you have support if you should need some encouraging words ✌
5'1 Weight 101 W. 61 cm. H. 76 cm.
Another suggestion for you with weighing, way daily through out the week and take averages. My weight bounces around through the week but the averages are about the same from week to week. But, you really might be eating more than you think or you should have lost weight on that calorie amount. This might also sound like…
You can do it and it does sound like you're eating to little. Its important to remember that weightloss is not a fast thing and it takes a lotta time. But slow and steady gets there.
I'm gonna disagree, you can in fact build muscle while eating defiect. Consistency is the only facter. I was deep in an eating disorder at a point and i tell you what, i had a six pack going and leg and arm muscles going on. I worked out. Put the work in for it and just like that, i had the muscles. Note: I'm doing much…
Are you warming up? I notice when I jump into running/jogging, i can't go as long as i can after ive warmed up some. And you gotta pace yourself, take it slow. You'll notice improvement after while of doing it. Set small goals to accomplish. Keeping up on it helps too. Cause once you stop long enough, its like starting all…
For me, depends how hungery I am the next day. If I'm really not, then i won't eat much. If I am, then I eat like normally. I try not to hold a day of going over, over my head. It was only a day and one day won't hurt. Just can't let it turn into more.
A tip for trying to ditch so much sugary-ness, just plan on being tired for a couple days. Keep the things that dont have added sugar like apples and fruits. The first three days of ditching a mass amount of sugar suck but after that it starts getting easier.
Don't over do the fiber, it can ha e the opposite effect, everything in moderation is really the best way. Theres always the option of walking more.
Do you have support at home? Admitting theres a problem is the first step to figuring out how to fix it. Why not try keeping a journal and find your triggers for having these behaviours happen? And make sure to always stay at a healthy calorie amount wise so youre not under eatting but also not over eatting.
Ive heard bad things about mirena. And i also haf it recomended to me by my gyon and the whole thing felt like i was getting ready to give birth again. Ended up not getting it.
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I would help. I actually been looking for the same sort myself
I'm game for this Challenge.
Instead of thinking about dieting and losing weight, focus maybe on eating healthy foods and whole foods and working out to be healthier. And yea talking to people could help from falling back to that again. Be careful.