pontious11349 Member


  • "eat meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar" Coach glassman If you can do this your golden. Chuck in a bit of exercise and the sky is the limit. Before the keyboard warriors decimate the above, I know there is sugar in fruit. Im talking about the sugar infused processed foods / drinks…
  • Crossfit.com is all you will ever need
  • Shaf238 hit the money. Ben bergeron said "If you have poor form its like you are swimming underwater pushing against the ice surface. Sometimes you need to swim down the way to see the hole and then get up out the water".
  • My go to is a Toasted Bagel with Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese. Its calorie dense and if weighed will meet your macros without too much hassle Not to mention it tastes good.
  • Hey I've not had loose skin so I cant comment on the mental side of things but you should be super proud that you have achieved the weight loss. There is a pretty cool video on youtube called 'obese to beast' which is posted by Crossfit. The guy interviewed has his own channel now but I forget the name.
  • Just to clarify I meant prep Sunday night and last through work week... you look in great shape - what’s you convenient food prep breakfast go to?
  • Real food is better than dust... BUT - if your shake has less calories than your usual breakfast you will undoubtedly see change but only over time. If you are serious about leaning out (I think that’s what you are aiming for) then invest some time into learning about macros as a short term fix and decide what your meal…
  • Educate yourself on Macros and track them... YouTube a few videos and that should kick you off Slimming world essentially do this with tracking sins and weight watchers with points... If you track your macros it's basically maths... Calculated weight loss and you are entirely in control... And guess what - it's free and…
  • Oh and good luck...
  • Honestly as hard as it sounds - sort your diet first and weight will drop off you... This will make exercise easier and I guarantee you will become unstoppable when you do both... Pinterest crossfit workouts and you will find a lot of hard workouts that can be done at home. They are constantly varied so should keep your…
  • What he said...
  • It sounds counter intuitive but using a slow cooker makes dinner time quick and easy. We simply put our ingredients into the slow cooker in the morning and the meal is ready when you get home from work. It's great for curry, bolognese, fajitas, stew... And you can mix up your meats or sauces and have a pretty varied meal…
  • I did a lot of reading into this and ultimately figured that the following combo works for pretty much every body type or goal (bodybuilding / maintenance / weight loss) 45% carb 35% protein 25% fat There is loads of ways to calculate intakes and you can read away and over complicate as you desire, and mad science boffins…
  • Go for fresh pasta - way less carbs
  • I haven't gone through exactly your scenario but I have lost my training partner to another gym and it stank. I then moved country with work and was completely out on my own. I found crossfit and it's literally a life changer. A fun and inspiring environment with healthy people looking out for one another - you will never…
  • This chain is hitting the nail on the head.... Weight loss almost entirely about diet. I was a crossfit addict and then my whole routine turned upside down about 13 months ago when I became a dad. I piled on the lbs - all to the belly and my face... And I was losing control- like I'd order 2 takeout pizzas and easily eat…
  • I think about food all the time - but I calculate it based on my macros. This is called flexible dieting and no food is off limits - you just have to account for it... Try googling IIFYM - this was a game changer for me! It's Thee only way I can sustain losing fat. Forget fad diets and starving yourself - jump on the macro…
  • Im not worried at all... Just curious. To put it in perspective I'm currently working to 45% Carbs : 35% Protein: 25% Fat as I'm trying to recomposition... I am allowed 50g fat per day but if I wanted a salmon and avocado salad (healthy) I'd hit about 35g fat... IN A SALAD
  • Forget barbells until you have nailed down a beautiful and meaningful air squat. Google 'crossfit squat therapy' and that will walk you through the process. There's all sorts of progressions that can help.
  • Whilst knee sleeves do advertise multiple benefits - I think a lot of it is psychological. They are becoming more popular but when I'm watching the crossfit games athletes they don't really wear them (unless sponsored) so it makes me question the benefits. As for Roman chair - depends on the exercise but they are generally…
  • Thanks to both responses. I think I will stick with the deficit for a few more weeks but tweak to c47/p30/f27....somethings stopping me from consuming more % fat than % protein - please discuss :) I'll then add 50 calories a week up to maintenance allowance.
  • 1g fat 9 calories 1g carb 4 calories 1g protein 4 calories If he has a high percentage of fat in his diet hel hit his calories allowance pretty quick - and be hungry and miserable as *kitten*...but yeah you are technically right
  • Belly fat is the bottom row of the brick wall you are smashing down If you haven't already - try tracking your macros and keep your fat down - say like 25%... You will chip away at the belly pretty quick
  • Crossfit and tracking macros - now that combination makes warriors... You've got this in the bag
  • Just multiply your Bodyweight in lbs by 14 and that's pretty much your maintenance allowance....
  • I can't speak highly enough of tracking your macros (google it). known as IIFYM. If you need a hand figuring it out give me a shout - you will be in total control of your weight loss
  • Kids are mean.... Do it for you. No fad diet - make it sustainable and have a happy life. You have got this
  • Omultiply your body weight in lbs by 14 and that's your maintenance calorie allowance. Reduce this number by 500 per day and you will lose 1lb a week before exercise. Also - you can calm down on the exercise. Diet is absolutely key to weight loss
  • Maintenance *^
  • You can do loads of reading but a pretty generic approximation of maintained calories is 14 x your body weight in lbs. The macro ratios in the above comments are good too but it just takes time to tweak and find what works for you. Good luck