mlee981 Member


  • Yeah okay man. Do you really think the body utilises the calories in a banana the same way as a donut ?
  • I say I'm active . I walk around fast walk 3 miles a day , on average sometimes more . Gym pretty about 4-6 times a week. Pretty moderate : hard cardio session and weight lifting 1.5 hours . I'm also a waitress in a very busy restaurant, (this does not include what I walk) and college student and go out , I move a lot a…
  • Low carb diets are one of the most stupid things you can do for your body. I come from a past of anorexia , weight restored now and much healthier . and also thought low carb low fat was the way to Go. It's not , it's really not . You just need to focus on whole foods and change your mind set away from weight loss, weight…
  • You weight em without the peel on a scale ... But honestly ... It's not the bananas you need to worry about . It's hbe processed food , the meat, the dairy , the JUNK.
  • To all of you picking apart my response , Calories is a calorie. But not all calories are used the same way in the body , those more processed are more likely to be absorbed , whole foods that contain the water and the fibre are processed entirely differently in the body . Look at human physiology , see what we are…
  • I'm vegan myself , and I have some of Linda mccartney's foods sometimes, but they are very processed. Plus since finding out about the cruelty in palm oil, I'm trying to cut right back on my foods with palm oil. I'd personally rather have whole foods like beans and lentils , but these foods are good especially for those…
  • I find if I'm eating ENOUGH of the RIGHT foods . I stress the word "ENOUGH" and "RIGHT" I do not crave junk or anything of the sort . I used to be a big sucker for PB and J sandwiches, I still love em don't get me wrong but I found I was eating three of them a day at one point especially during the early months of recovery…
  • I'm not even going to talk about "spot reducing" cause we all know that spiel, you can't do it. Anyways, WEIGHT-LIFTING. Lift. Lift. Lift heavy. This tones up you're whole body, the more muscle you have the higher your metabolic rate . I don't know why and I'm sure there's some whole scientific jazz to this, but I've…
    in Belly Fat Comment by mlee981 July 2016
  • I get why it's done, totally get why it's done. But for somebody like myself who eats a vegan primarily whole foods "diet" a serving of grapes "80 grams" is honestly not what I stick to, or "one Apple is a serving" I usually have 2 apples at a time, and don't even get started on potatoes - serving 100 grams or something…
  • Screw calorie counting - change the foods that you're eating. Whole plant based foods - little processed foods. I eat around 2500 - 3500 plus calories a day, and I'm maintaining my weight. I exercise everyday or 6 days a week for 30 minutes to around 1.5 hours . Strength training and probably around 20 minutes of cardio or…
  • Simple - eat well and lift heavy. Whole foods, eat enough, eat balanced meals, no junk. Lift heavy, rest. Don't complicate it.
  • YOU GOTTA LIFT WEIGHTS. Seriously, strength training is transforming my body into one of grace and strength and is adding to my curves and "tightening" them up so to speak, it's amazing what doing some freaking squats with a 10 kg dumbbell , push ups, leg extensions (some argue this isn't very good as it's an isolation…
  • I eat a "diet" that is comprised of around 2500 plus calories a day, from whole plant based foods - so 80 percent of my diet comes from carbs - potatoes, rice, fruit, oats, refined sugars (I try to keep this to a minimum has refined sugar is processed totally differently in the body compared to fruit or starch) and I had…
  • No I personally don't think 1200 calories is enough, it's enough for perhaps a baby but not a grown woman. I developed anorexia eating around 1000-1200 calories a day, and became extremely obsessed with weight, body and food . I sank to a bmi of 14.5 and was admitted to hospital , I'm only just a few months into recovery,…
  • the fashionista/diva !!!! Xoxo
  • You wanna stretch, hydrate, replenish and hydrate. Don't over complicated it.