FlufferCat Member


  • If you don't have much time after your workout it can be a convenience.You might not feel like eating a solid meal after working out really hard. I've also seen research suggesting that Whey Protein helps fat loss. And of course it's the best building substance for muscle gain. If you really don't care for though,you can…
  • Have a look at the Starting Strength channel on YouTube.It's all about beginning weightlifting.They also have a book out. There are a number of good lifters on YouTube.Alan Thrall,Megsquats,Athlene-X. I've been lifting for ages so I do enjoy watching good lifters.But I can hardly remember starting.It must have been…
  • A good body weight exercise to start is simply deep knee bends.It's called a squat. You can put your hands on a stable chair,or table at first. Don't just fall into the squat.Always stay under control.Down,and up at a steady pace. When you get stronger you could lift a bag of sand,or cat litter for weight. You can do some…
  • The walking,hiking,and swimming suggestions are good. You just need to move.Don't make it feel overly complicated. You can exercise at home too.Turn on the TV to a fun sitcom,or old movie and listen to it.Maybe listen to a podcast,or music.That will make things go easier. You can walk in place,and shadow box a little. You…
  • The website is Fitness Factory Outlet.I had a look and I think Body-Solid Power Rack and Lat Station package with Bench would be all you need.You might need to add a few bars,and plates if you don't have them already.The rack,and bench are $759.I'm sure there's shipping too. But I'll tell you you'll be very happy to have a…
  • I've equipped a full home gym with pieces from a company called Body Solid.They make power racks with pulley systems,benches,barbells,dumbbells.Everything.It's all held up,and I'm still using it several days a week. You can buy a bench,and then a basic squat rack.You just want to be able to get a barbell on your back and…