JessicaSpotswood Member


  • You shouldn't have any trouble but if you'd like all the ride restrictions are up on the website. Anything that isn't explained to your liking I'm sure a phone call will be sufficient to answer.
  • occasionally older scales can give inaccurate readings. i have also noticed that different locations within my own home give me a different weight. i had to move my scale to the kitchen of all places to get my scale to say the same thing that my dr.'s office says.
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  • i came across one quite by accident. leftovers are strange things but make for good lunches. i just take a soft taco size tortilla. spread a little about 1 tablespoon blue cheese dressing on it. add about a cup of red leaf lettuce, 1/4 cup cooked chicken, 1/4 of a tomato, and about 1/8 of an avocado. wrap it up it'll keep…
  • don't feel huge about your weight. i have a small bone frame and the first places i lose weight are in my bust and stomach area. remember ladies sometimes our extra weight is what makes us women and not androgynous. my mother put it best when her doctor asked her why she didn't lose weight. looking down at her ample bust…
  • i'm 5'7" and my goal is 135. i was extremely thin in high school at 121lbs. my doctors have all been happiest with me at around 135.